Postulated Progression Of The Human Disease Known As Plantar Fasciitis By FitOldDog (Pathologist)

Postulated Progression Of The Human Disease Known As Plantar Fasciitis By FitOldDog (Pathologist)

When I swim, I swim, but when I walk, I think, and my thoughts yesterday led to the diagram, above, which is at least a start down the road to logical treatment of the human disease known (mistakenly) as plantar fasciitis. I do love to stay in shape, and swimming certainly does that for my base cardiovascular fitness, so I've included today's swim workout, designed by my friend and swim coach, Rick. The 200 ... Read more

For all their fancy advertisements, no-one can tell you how to fix your plantar fasciitis, including us!

For all their fancy advertisements, no-one can tell you how to fix your plantar fasciitis, including us!

No one can tell you the fastest way to get to work in a big city, unless they know where you live and have detailed understanding of the key traffic patterns. Even then, they can only tell you what might work, or what has worked for them or a friend. Just like finding your way out of the plantar fasciitis treatment maze. No one an tell you how to fix your foot pain, without knowing your story, and even then they can ... Read more

Shoes As Tools, Even Weapons, Against Plantar Fasciitis

Shoes As Tools, Even Weapons, Against Plantar Fasciitis

Why does is this guy keep on talking about plantar fasciitis all the time? Is he obsessed? Yep! So would you be if you had it, and you claim to know how to fix it. This article is about the power of shoes as tools to fight this condition. It's a long story, starting with a bike wreck in 2013 (enough said about that), leading to a series of problems, with a post-script of full-blown plantar fasciitis. I had a truly ... Read more

Plantar Fasciitis Revisited: Determination Of Disease Pathogenesis Starts With Careful Observation

Plantar Fasciitis Revisited: Determination Of Disease Pathogenesis Starts With Careful Observation

path·o·gen·e·sis ˌpaTHəˈjenəsis/ noun MEDICINE the manner of development of a disease. There are two kinds of pathologists, lumpers (best for generating effective tables for further statistical analysis) and splitters (more suited to basic research and NOT for generating useful tables; they complicate and question everything too much, but they can guide the focus of the lumpers, if they approach the issue ... Read more

Considering Plantar Fasciitis Research, Engineered Nanoparticles, Data Misinterpretation, And The Story Of The Flea

Considering Plantar Fasciitis Research, Engineered Nanoparticles, Data Misinterpretation, And The Story Of The Flea

There are at least two keys to effective scientific research, these being, (1) dreaming up the right questions, and (2) avoiding data misinterpretation. Basically, a level of humility is essential, as we can all fall for it. For instance, take the story of the flea, which I learned I don't know where, and my observation of Speedwells in my garden today: The Story Of The Flea A young man encountered ... Read more

Take Care When Transitioning To Plantar Fasciitis Exercises As You Recover

Take Care When Transitioning To Plantar Fasciitis Exercises As You Recover

In FitOldDog's treatment for plantar fasciitis, step five (excuse the pun) of the five-step process includes selected plantar fasciitis exercises (demonstrated in the associated videos) to strengthen the arch support system (bones, tendons, ligaments, blood-supply and myoneurofascia). A recent study, reported in the New York Times (kindly sent to FitOldDog by his cycling and science buddy, Rory), indicates that ... Read more

Plantar Fasciitis Heel Pain Could Be Your Friend: Working On The Second Edition Of FitOldDog’s Treatment For Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis Heel Pain Could Be Your Friend: Working On The Second Edition Of FitOldDog's Treatment For Plantar Fasciitis

Why would I say that my plantar fasciitis heel pain could be my friend? Because it was a warning bell, indicating bigger trouble yet to come if I didn't address the issue. Yes! Pain can be your ally, though that is not always the case. When I told my co-author, and body movement teacher, Rebecca, that I had just contracted my second case of plantar fasciitis heel pain, she laughed and said, "That's great! Now we ... Read more

How to fix plantar fasciitis in five steps

How to fix plantar fasciitis in five steps

Hi folks, welcome! One week ago, I told my movement and dance teacher (not that I like to dance, I just want to move freely into late old age - I'm a sprightly 71, right now), Rebecca, that I had managed to induce a  case of plantar fasciitis heel pain in my left foot, by changing my running shoes, only one month before my next Ironman race, and she said, "Great, we can demonstrate that our method really ... Read more

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.