Feldenkrais: What’s In A Name? Everything!

  Hi folks, We think in terms of symbols, as far as I can tell. For instance, the word 'cat' is linked to an image in your mind. Probably a different image in you, myself, a zoo keeper, a lion tamer, and the person who created the bizarre picture on the right, but an image nonetheless. For me, I think that this word will always be associated with my visual, tactile (soft and black, with sharp claws), ... Read more

Soreness After A Workout Provides Valuable Information

Hi folks, Yesterday I started on Victor's squat diet. Having an abdominal aortic aneurysm with a stent graft, I took a cautious approach, only carrying my squat down to the point where my knees made a 90-degree angle. I was also careful to use good form, pushing out my butt with a straight spine and a firm (but not rigid) core, whilst keeping my shins fairly close to vertical to the floor. During three sets, I ... Read more

Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything? Well, Imagine Doing Something, Then Just Do It!

Hi folks, Human imagination is a remarkably powerful tool, which can play a valuable role in training, racing and recovery from disease. I was raised on the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) radio shows. We would listen to them at specific times, awaiting the next episode with considerable excitement. This was before I saw my first television set. Radio shows leave the mind to fill in visual effects, and in ... Read more

Training As A Journey Of Self-Discovery: How Much Is Too Much?

  Hi folks, The real art to training safely comes down to knowing what to do and becoming aware of how much is too much. Too much what, you might ask? Let's consider a few key variables. Impact: Recently I sent out a tweet, via Twuffer to Twitter (brave new world), providing a Chez Ollie in the TheRollaDailyNews.com website concerning the value of exercise for Baby Boomers. There was a statement in this ... Read more

Spinning With Weights And Don’t Forget Your Tongue

  Hi folks, My latest Continuum dance lesson effectively demonstrated the importance of arm dynamics during running. During this session, Rebecca handed me a soft, five inch diameter ball weighing about 2 lbs. and I was told to balance the ball in the palm of my hand, whilst I then danced to some music. The effect was fascinating. The extra weight in my hand resulted in dramatic effects on body dynamics, ... Read more

Mr. Bones Takes A Ride, And That’s What It’s All About

Hi folks, We have a number of major sub-systems holding our bodies together, which in order of depth from the surface include the integument (essentially skin and nails), fascia, muscles and tendons, and bones and ligaments. These structural components are nourished in a number of ways by the gastrointestinal, respiratory, vascular, lymphatic, nervous (central, sympathetic, and parasympathetic), and endocrine ... Read more

Zen and the Art of Body Maintenance Revisited

  Hi folks, Training Tip: How to address an injury close to a planned race. In a previous post, I referred to that important book, 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance' by Robert Pirsig, which addresses the issue of quality, using motorcycle maintenance as a metaphor. This is how I remember his story, which I read about 30 years ago. Robert Pirsig presents the relationship between two couples, who ... Read more

Train to Race or Race to Train, Lazy Bum, And Dropped By An 81-Year Old

  Hi folks, Well! My son and I finished the Eagleman race this weekend. It was one of those races where you wonder why you are doing this to yourself, as it was very hot, lots of people had cramps, and both of our runs were a mess due to cramping. This is when I have to remind myself that I race to train, not the other way around. I enjoy the races, but I don't enjoy quad cramps during a run. This has only ... Read more

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.