Inspiring Elderly Exercise Before You Develop An Elderly Demeanor

Inspiring Elderly Exercise Before You Develop An Elderly Demeanor

Inspiring elderly exercise, with an emphasis on body awareness, preferably before you become elderly in your demeanor, is one of FitOldDog's major goals for his readers. Many of my teachers, and some peers, have died already, and other peers are on the way out, but the ones that drive me crazy are the people who could, with a little effort, become so much more active, instead of walking with baby steps. Ah! ... Read more

Lonely Aging? Inspiration From A One-Armed Man.

Lonely Aging? Inspiration From A One-Armed Man.

Hi folks, welcome! If you are having a hard time finding inspiration to help you cope with aging, remember that there are always others who have overcome greater adversity into later life, and with a smile. Along with aging, can come a feeling of increased separation from the mainstream of society, but it can be countered by inspiration from others who have traveled a harder road, which is why I spoke to ... Read more

Could Willy Loman Turn Setbacks Into Opportunities?

Could Willy Loman Turn Setbacks Into Opportunities?

Hi folks, welcome! Sometimes I feel like a young man trapped in an old man's body, as I deal with the challenges of training, especially when it comes to running. So, can I turn setbacks into opportunities? As I struggle to get my training back on track, and deal with the challenges of WordPress locking up all the time, I decided that I needed to read a good book. I chose a an uplifting and cheerful play, ... Read more

Hey! Boomers, For Active Aging Fitness Get Your Senior Pass For The National Parks

Hey! Boomers, For Active Aging Fitness Get Your Senior Pass For The National Parks

Hi folks, welcome, Aging can be a bummer, but there are some advantages, such as the National Parks Senior Pass. It costs $10, but it lasts for life (so stay in shape for full value). I got mine a few years ago, and the parks staff are always welcoming and friendly, explaining all the great benefits of your card. Including the fact that everyone in your vehicle can come in for free, too. You also get to park ... Read more

Are You More Driven By Fear As You Approach Old Age, Or By Inspiration?

 Are You More Driven By Fear As You Approach Old Age, Or By Inspiration?

“The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”: FDR’s First Inaugural Address" History Matters. Hi folks, welcome! I'm scared of heights and poverty, I don't seem to be anxious about aging or dying, particularly, but I am frightened of  not living my life to the full, which can be a living death and a terrible waste. From time to time I reflect on the role that fear plays in my life, and Brian Germain's ... Read more

FitOldDog’s Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Stent Graft Extension Has Survived Ironman Training And The Aneurysm Is Shrinking Again! Good News!

Hi folks, welcome! After completing (not wonderfully, but finishing anyway, though I lost my bet of a crab dinner to Greg who had a great race) the Eagleman Half Ironman last weekend, I went to the Cleveland Clinic for my 6 month checkup. All is well, in spite of concerns about cycling adversely affecting the stent graft extension that was installed about 6 months ago - so now to prepare for the 2014 ... Read more

How To Stay In The Sport As An Aging Athlete, FitOldDog’s Seven Simple Rules

Hi folks! Welcome. One thing is for sure, exercise is good for you. Another thing is for sure, the older you get the easier it is to injure yourself Yet another thing is for sure, the older you are the longer it takes to recover. And even another thing is for sure, because you're older doesn't mean you're necessarily smarter. You have to work at it to stay in your sport as you age, so here are some ... Read more

Aortic Patient Versus Athlete With Stent: Take Care How You Label Yourself As It Will Create Your Reality

Hi folks, welcome to my blather! There are many ways to look death in the face, but the real trick is to look life in the face. Aging comes with all sorts of health challenges, including the possibility of aortic disease. If you label yourself as an aortic patient or cripple, that's what you'll be, a prisoner of your aneurysm, stent graft or other type of repair, or whatever other issue you are facing for that ... Read more

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.