Rory Really Amazed Me Today By Completing A 10k Thanks To An Osteotomy And Barefoot Running


Rory running a 10k after his osteomy had healed

REMARKABLE ALMOST MIRACULOUS photo of Rory Conolly (in blue) running a 10k following a corrective osteotomy – I still find it hard to believe, and I’m delighted – THE MORAL IS ‘DON’T GIVE UP’ Photo by Tara.

Hi folks,

Rory Conolly in a spatial frame after his osteotomy a few years ago, a process that involve breaking and repeatedly rebreaking the tibia to change it’s shape, and thus move the load within the knee to the uninjured side.

I have a friend, Rory, who not only trained me to ride a bike more effectively, but now he’ll be able to teach me how to run (the stubborn bugger). Having completed the Boston Marathon in his youth in about 2:40, his running training severely damaged one of his knees to the point of his considering knee replacement. This procedure would mean that he might never ride his bike again competitively and most certainly running would be out of the question.

Instead, Rory opted for the long, expensive and painful process of an osteotomy at the Stone Clinic in California. I never dreamed that he would run again, as back then he walked with a distinct limp due to knee pain (good ol’ bone-on-bone on one side of the joint). I watched Rory weather this surgery, with the support of his great family (all athletes) and friends, and here he is (see photo a top of page) completing a local 10k road race, The Carrboro 10k, faster than I did (I could make excuses, but I won’t). This is a remarkable feat and it stands as an example to us all to not give up.

I look forward to having Rory improve my run time now as a training partner, and maybe we might just compete in an Ironman together. Who knows?

Oh Yes, I forgot to say that he does all of his running, and apparently much of his daily walking, in Vibram Five Finger shoes, effectively barefoot.

-k @FitOldDog



  1. It was the FitOldDog who first encouraged me to consider alternatives to knee replacement. There aren’t many, but Dr. Kevin Stone in San Francisco offers “biological knee reconstruction” which works, at least for some of us. It’s not easy, but as the FOD notes, I wouldn’t be running at all today without Dr. Stones care.

  2. You use km. for running (and biking) and miles for everything else?

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Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.