Keep Your Feet With Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) or Diabetes

keep your feet
Multiple medical professionals, even using ultrasound, have failed to find a pulse in my right foot, and the left one is weak. This is due to blockage of my popliteal arteries as a result of arteriosclerosis consequent to a severe genetic hypertriglyceridemia..

So I explored ways to improve blood flow to, through, and back from, my feet, using the basic anatomy and physiology of the human foot. My background in veterinary medicine, pathology, and body-movement training sure helped with the development of my approach.

I considered what might resist the flow of blood to my feet, such as impact shock waves as I run. I then moved on to testing ways to improve venous return by flexing my feet. This causes contraction of muscles in my calves, which squeezes veins that carry blood back from my feet. Having valves, compression of veins, by muscle contraction, pumps blood back toward the heart.

Then I thought of ways to improve blood flow through feet, based on the anatomy of the human foot.

keep your feet

Notice the way arteries (red) lie between the long bones (metatarsals) of the foot. I thought separating these bones by separating my toes could well improve flow along these vessels. For that I used my old friends, my Yoga Toes. If you want to know more about them, follow this link to our YouTube Video.

keep your feet

I noted a marked improvement in foot numbness as I ran after a few weeks of Yoga Toe toe separation. There are twelve basic approaches to this problem, described in detail in my book, at this link. In spite of my work, running is still tough, but my toes are still on the ends of my feet, and they have pretty good Oxygen levels, as shown in this O2sats meter, purchased for the Covid19 pandemic.

This work, after eight years fighting peripheral artery disease, permitted me to qualify for the 2023 World Half Ironman Championships, held in Finland a few months ago. As you can see, it hurt a lot, but I finished third in my age group, 80-84.

keep your feet

It pays to fight back, stay fit, cross-train, and never give up.

-kev aka FitOldDog

keep your feet
MRI scans through the thighs of three guys. Grey is muscle, white is fat, clear ring around the central white spot (bone marrow) is the femoral bone. Note the loss of both muscle and bone mass in the sedentary guy.


  1. Thanks Kevin for helpful advice on avoiding numb feet.

  2. Cheri Murphy says

    I recently saw an article at my cardiac interventional medicine doctor’s office..Indeed it was comforting fo kmow someonecekse was fighting the same battle I am currently in– to remsin independent and do anything to increase the quality of my kufe- not the quantuty ofbyesrs.

  3. Hi Cheri, it’s a battle, that’s for sure, but with a little work, combined with some anatomical and physiological common sense, I was surprised how much I can still do. Keep up the good fight, -kev

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.

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