Hi folks! Welcome to another lovely day!
It pays to prepare for life’s challenges well ahead, physically with exercise, intellectually by questioning your thoughts, and emotionally by sitting.
If you think that your life is on a collision course with disaster, remember that 99.999% of the time (most of the time) it is probably an imaginary disaster, and things will come nicely back on track if you learn to calm the mind, then focus on the issues and subsequently go with the flow.
The trick to preparing for a challenge is to train – for an Ironman race you train the mind and the body through physical activity, but for a major life challenge you train your emotions (use them, but don’t let them run your life) through meditation. If this is a new concept, try The Three Minute Meditator to jump start a remarkable improvement in your adventures on this lovely planet.
I had an enjoyable walk with three friends this morning, Sue, Willbe and Scooter, and now I’m off to have lunch with my artist friend, Andy, what a great day so far.
-k @FitOldDog
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