Bike Skills Pay Dividends, Fortunately!

Bike Skills Pay Dividends, Fortunately!

This image shows the stats for a training level assessment ride I completed with one of my major triathlon supporters and fellow athlete, Tracey. The goal was a slow build over a period of two hours on the bike on a one-mile loop. Easy rollers, much like our upcoming race, White Lake Half Ironman. Tracey is younger, fitter, and stronger than I, but I noticed her slowly dropping back. This made me wonder why, so I ... Read more

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.