FitOldDog’s 2016 Louisville Ironman Race Report: Success Or Failure?

2016 Louisville Ironman Full Race Report Link

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2016 Louisville Ironman: FitOldDog OK with his DNF.

FitOldDog, happy the day after his DNF at the 2016 Louisville Ironman race. How come? Read about it in my newsletter!

I must admit, I really enjoyed this visit to Louisville, DNF or no DNF. I especially appreciate camping, at these races.

2016 Louisville Ironman, FitOldDog camping along the way.

I do enjoy camping for these Ironman races. Great spot, all alone, on top of a wooded hillside. On the way to the race.

I was really surprised about the cutoff time being reduced from 17 to 16 hours. I was informed of this at the pre-race mandatory briefing, the day before the race. I guess I missed in the athlete guide!

This seems to discriminate, somewhat, against older athletes and some first-timers.

DNFs may need more help after they turn in their chip, than finishers. We just wander off into the dark, of DNF Limbo. This seems to be a risky policy.

My times weren’t too bad, apart from the run. At least I had a decent swim time – better than 2013. Was the Ohio river moving more swiftly for this race, I wonder?

2016 Louisville Ironman with FitOldDog

Funny, I don’t remember the course being so hilly. Guess I was younger and better conditioned, back in 2013.

I’m making plans for 2017, based on advice from my Ironman son, Nigel, as stated in my newsletter, as follows:

A kind lecture, from my son, Nigel,

“I’ve got to tell you the obvious, Dad!”

2016 Louisville Ironman

With my Ironman Triathlete son, Nigel, after he finished the Texas Ironman a while ago.

  1. When I see someone unable to run off of the bike, I know they are not sufficiently conditioned for the run. How many long runs DID you do, DAD!” OK, I concede. Not enough!

  2. “You need a coach!” OK, I’ll have to find an inexpensive one, if I can!

  3. “Choose a flat course! Why don’t you sign up for the North Carolina Ironman, which used to be Beach to Battleship? It’s a Kona qualifier. It’s in your neighborhood. And you can train on the course!”

Now I have my Ironman plan, for 2017!

Thanks, son!

You can read the full story, here, in my newsletter!

If you so desire!

I also enjoyed my trip home!

2016 Louisville Ironman, sunset on the way home.



  1. I’ll help
    U train for the long runs and you can help
    Me with the swim!! Congrats!

  2. Hi Tracey! It’s a deal. Thanks, kev

  3. Sue Hunter says

    You’re still my hero Kevin! 🙂

  4. Hi Sue, that’s nice of you, but I don’t feel like a hero. Just an old guy putting one foot in front of the other. I do like living, I must admit. Good to hear from you, and I hope Lisfranc is a thing of the past! Kind Regards, kev

  5. Sue Hunter says

    Hey! Other than a little arthritis starting to rear it’s ugly head, that foot is doing well! Love seeing your posts!

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Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.