The 60-Mile Plantar Fasciitis Cure

Plantar fasciitis logo by Duncan Morgan

Plantar fasciitis is a pain in the heel, and elsewhere, for that matter.

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A few weeks ago I was visiting a local shoe store, where I entered into a conversation with an endurance runner who was having trouble with plantar fasciitis. We talked about the role of posture, shoes, running style, and a number of other factors that might alleviate the problem, and left it at that. The subject of running-induced plantar fasciitis interests me for two reasons, (1) I suffered from it and I don’t want it back, and (2) it is related to one of our first commercial products (click on heel for link), as I attempt to learn necessary business skills – being a scientist for the previous 40 years hasn’t really helped a lot in this regard! Our product includes a free manual and an optional video, which addresses the issue of myofascial massage and the use of rollers as a 5-step process for curing plantar fasciitis. The last step involves exercises to keep the condition at bay. Interestingly, this gentleman in the shoe store informed me a few weeks later that he had fixed his problem, and his narrative went like this:

“Hi Kevin, I fixed my sore feet, finally. This is how. I was scheduled for a 100-mile run, and wasn’t sure whether to do it with my plantar fascia problem, but I did anyway. After about 20 miles into the race it became extremely painful, and it stayed that way until about mile 60, when the problem just melted away. What’s more, it didn’t come back. I seem to have fixed the problem by running 100 miles.”

I found this to be very interesting, as step five of our plantar fasciitis cure involves exercise. I guess you can give the 100-mile run a try, or watch our video and let us know how it goes.


-k @FitOldDog


Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.

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