This lovely little boat, which has been parked here for several days (is that legal, it’s not in Raleigh?), reminded me of Archimedes Principle and what I recently learned about swimming on Twitter.
Hi folks,
Swimming is a difficult sport, until you get it right. I’m getting closer as Rick puts me through my paces three times a week. I just learned a new trick, and it really seems to be helping with my position in the water, because I can feel my heels are closer to or just breaking the surface. I was talking (well, tweeting) with a real swimmer, Mel Stewart, in fact a 3x Olympic Medalist (isn’t Twitter remarkable?) about triathletes, and whether they focus too much on technique as opposed to conditioning, and he very kindly replied as follows:

There is lots of good stuff and great atmosphere at Johnny’s in Carrboro.
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