Hi folks, welcome!

FitOldDog’s friend and swim coach, Rick. Perfect for my low impact training. Be more like Rick in the water, but go easy – now, there’s a conundrum.
Well, I’ve been grounded with knee surgery a couple of times, and now I’m stuck until my aortic leak is fixed, so what’s to do? Going bonkers isn’t very effective, but I have to avoid bringing up my heart rate or blood pressure. All and any ideas much appreciated (as long as it doesn’t include β-blockers).
Here’s what I’m planning to do:
- Appreciate the chance to rest a tired body after a lot of races.
- Work on swim technique, avoiding any significant aerobic load.
- Walk the dogs a lot, enjoying this beautiful fall weather.
- Maybe, just maybe, do some light easy spins on my trainer.
- Maybe, just maybe, some water running, but I have to think through the biomechanics with respect to my AAA.
- Reflect on how lucky I am.
- Push the medical Leviathan to move as fast as possible, without causing counter-productive irritation (diplomacy never was my strong suit).

Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck, which provides a convincing case for the application of discipline to solve your problems.
That’ll keep me busy until the next surgery, hopefully in a week or so.
I remember reading an interesting self-help book years ago, “The Road Less Travelled, A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values And Spiritual Growth.” by M. Scott Peck. This book contained two messages that were important to me at the time, and are equally important today,
(1) my problems are my problems, and I have to take responsibility for them, and
(2) the only tool that really works with personal problems is discipline.
OK! Here we go!
I would imagine that my Ironman training should help with this process – or shall I go crazy? Nope! I’ll try to learn something instead.
-k @FitOldDog
I read that book a long time ago; very good. You’ll have to explore the middle ground, moderation, where most of us live. As you said, rest the body. You’ll bounce back as soon as your leaky ‘tire’ gets patched.
Moderation! Oh! Yes! I remember that concept. I like to think that moderation should also be tackled with moderation. Yep! The tire will be fixed, and then on we go. Hope your training is going well. Cheers, Kevin
I am restrained in my exercise regime also. I used to walk along country paths alone for mile after mile. I now stick to more frequented places just in case I drop.
I find writing therapeutic and also stick to work that does not involve lifting anything heavy. I miss the variety bird song which I make up for with listening to music.
Are you familiar with an American radio station Classical WETA based in Washington DC? It is on the net.
I also find writing therapeutic, though I essentially just write a blog (graffiti with punctuation?), between e-books. I like to attract birds to our yard with a feeder, which works well here, but whether is is wise I have no idea. I tend to listen to silence as my life is full of noise, so no, I am not familiar with that station.
Nasty shock. I wish you the best of luck and that you get a really good plumber to fix the leak in the near future. The emotions generated are something else.
Hi Peter, it was indeed. I wandered in thinking all would be well, shrunk to maybe 2.8, and well, that was not to be. But then, who knows what the morrow may bring. The emotions are settling down, the surgeon is pushing things forwards, and as soon as we know what kind of leak (1-V), he’ll make a plan, and here we go again – but this time I’ll shave my forearms so they don’t put me through the hell of having all my hairs ripped out by the roots. Reminds me of the effectiveness of taking a couple of Tums before one vomits – it eliminates all the nasal and throat acid burns. Really works if you have time. Thanks for your concerns. Much appreciated. Cheers, Kevin PS I really would enjoy a Steak & Kidney Pie in a pub right now. Can’t have it all.