Beware Brad (Greeks?) Bearing Gifts, But Thanks For The Kind Gift Of Amby Burfoot’s Recent Book My Friend!

Hi folks!

I am a suspicious person by nature (or nurture?), but I was very pleasantly surprised by a recent present from Brad. Now! I never seem to be able to predict or understand Brad. He just turns up! Sometimes he seems almost scared of me, but he is much bigger than I am so that doesn’t make sense. But Deb likes and respects him a lot for all the help that he and his wife have given her with her autistic son, Rory. I appreciate that too, as Rory is a real handful. I just don’t seem to be able to work out where Brad is coming from. I have now decided that he is coming from somewhere else to that which I understand, but, as we say in Feldenkrais, because a thing does not feel right does not mean that it is not right. Brad’s recent out-of-the-blue present was exactly right for me, a book by Amby Burfoot entitled The Runner’s Guide To The Meaning Of Life.

Very Interesting And Wise Book! Thanks!

Now! This is a great little book, full of quotable wisdom such as “Life is a marathon, not a sprint; so pace yourself accordingly.”

Maybe this is true of my understanding of Brad! I’ll keep working on it, but thanks again my friend!



P.S. I have just cooked polenta (gently fried in garlic-flavored olive oil with some Lea & Perrin’s Sauce), scrambled local farm eggs, and steamed organic local farm-grown beetroot leaves, topped with Paul Newman’s pineapple salsa. It tasted great!

P.P.S. The best book I ever read on the Nature versus Nurture debate was written by Steven Pinker, and it was entitled ‘The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial Of Human Nature.’ Fascinating and almost as good as my lunch!



  1. Hi Kevin,
    I just thought I’d “turn up” here on your website. I’m certainly glad you are enjoying the book. I stumbled across that one recently and you came into my mind immediately as someone who would appreciate it. As for you and I being different, this is certainly true. But what we do have in common is a deep love for a few of the same people (albeit a different KIND of love). That alone, I think, would put us on the same team at the end of the day when it comes to matters of true importance.

    Still, just for fun, I’ve ordered this book so that we can try to quantify/typify our differences. I’ve said before I suspect we are polar opposites in personality, but, as you have so eloquently pointed out above, “different” does not necessarily mean “bad”. Perhaps, understanding one another a little more will allow us to be better “dance partners”. When the book comes in, I’ll pop by — or, hell, I may do something crazy and call ahead — and we can take the little test over tea. I look forward to it.


    P.S. To clarify for your readers, I am not “bigger” than you — only fatter. That doesn’t really count unless we are having a splash competition at the swimming pool.

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.

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