Blue Pill Of The Low-Fat Matrix Or The Red Pill Of Healthy Food Choices, And How To Build Swedish Goggles

Low fat yoghurt combined with candy, not good according to FitOldDog.

I was horrified to see this double whammy product on the shelves in my local food store. Candy to entice the unwary, combined with low fat food, designed to force the consumer to seek addictive carbohydrates. You have to get your energy from somewhere, and there are only two real choices, fat or carbohydrates. Photo by FitOldDog.

The blue pill would allow him [Neo] to remain in the fabricated reality of the Matrix, therefore living the “illusion of ignorance”, while the red pill would lead to his escape from the Matrix and into the real world, therefore living the “truth of reality.”” From Wikipedia, ‘Red pill and blue pill.’

Hi folks, welcome!

FitOldDog's son's water jug, with Matrix Movie sticker, to help him stay the course.

When my eldest son, Nick, was challenged by his migration to an intermittent fasting life-style, he put these Matrix Movie stickers on his water jug, so as to stand firm. He did well, just see his app, Calorie Pilot.

I choose the red pill, which means taking ultimate responsibility for my health, selectively considering the advice of others, including health professionals, whilst making the final choices myself.

I fear that it will take a generation to eliminate the low-fat foolishness from the American diet.

Corn is cheap, it saved the nation from hunger, but it got a bit carried away. The real solution to the problem, however, is not the elimination of factory farming. Local farms are great, but they cannot supply the entire population of New York or Chicago, not in the short-term, anyway.

FitOldDog's eldest son, Nick, using a roller.

FitOldDog’s eldest son, Nick, of Shirts that Go fame, using his roller. His eyes are closed because it is an inner journey. Nick’s advice on rollers led to FitOldDog’s plantar fasciitis product.

This Exxon Valdez of obesity can only be turned around by, (1) subverting the remarkable activity of this nutrition machine to include increasingly healthy choices, which also means the humane treatment of livestock,  (2) providing increasingly detailed and honest labeling with respect to contents, and (3) education of the general population with respect to the nature of a healthy diet, for them, personally.

One man’s meat is another man’s poison. We each have metabolic quirks, such as peanut allergy, hyperlipidemia that is exacerbated by high sugar intake (as is my case), Crohn’s disease, and so-forth.

And, of course, you need to exercise! This is why I wanted to show you how to build Swedish swim goggles (only a few bucks a pair). Everyone needs to know that, don’t you think?

Swedish goggle construction by FitOldDog

Throw away the string and nose tube, cut EXACTLY the right length of rubber strap to connect the goggles, and Bob’s your uncle – you have the best swim goggles ever. The plastic bag is perfect for keeping things dry on the bike, when riding is a rain storm. You do that, right?


FitOldDog aka Kevin



  1. I’m flabbergasted by what I read here. The only dietary thing we agree on is that sugar is the devil. I only ask that you give thoughtful review and study of this information.

    • But, then again, it’s not that simple. It’s not a nutrition problem, it’s a network problem, which involves our entire relationship with the Biosphere, of which we are a part, and that we do not understand very well. I guess we would have to list the key nodes in the network, determine which are the critical edges (interactions, e.g. fish, humans, and us eating fish being one edge), and build a model in order to even approach intelligent answers to these issues. The trouble with networks is that they behave very oddly, and you never know when they will go chaotic or crazy, and kill most of us, down to bacteria and cockroaches. I’ll have to think some more. The Omnivor’s Dilemma gave an idillic picture of a farm with a healthy ecosystem, but we can’t do that all over the planet – I guess, if we don’t make some changes, Gaia will make them for us, or to us. Time to sleep, and the tea and musings were an excellent soporific. -k

  2. Hi Marsha, fascinating article. Much appreciated.

    I’d love to see this author duke it out with Mark Sisson.

    I often wonder about the best source of fat, to replace the excess of carbs in our regular diet. I can only eat so many avocados and nuts before I start to feel weird.

    I like the logic of pushing our transcriptomes into the fasting state to improve energetics, but that depends on plenty of stored fat and avoidance of insulin surges.

    I don’t think consuming large amounts of meat is a great idea, but when I go vegetarian I struggle with it. Eggs seem to be a critical part of my diet, low carb or not. I find the debate interesting and the solution elusive. Which is correct, I wonder, and what is sustainable?

    The only really sustainable approach is to reduce the human population, but I have no idea how to do that. I will give your flabbergastedness due attention, and present the counter argument in a follow up post.

    What are your thoughts on the anti-inflammatory diet? I know that people have found tremendous benefits of a low carb diet on their autoimmune disease, including Bill Vick, who wrote to me about his situation recently, and how he was benefiting from ‘Paleo’. He described his situation in this article:

    I also had a lot of relief from arthritis in my fingers when I went low carb (so-called Paleo), so maybe I also have vascular benefits that might slow my vascular disease? Hope so!

    Um! Whatever we decide to do, we won’t achieve it if we don’t make it happen on a mass scale OR stop breeding so many people, then local food production might do the trick – we eat local whenever we can, but that leaves pretty well nothing local, but dried beans, roots, bottled tomatoes (I love them, but what a lot of work) and winter greens in the winter. Maybe that’s what we should eat, I guess – plus pickled eggs, dried fish and the like, with an apple clamp in the garden if we have a garden – too many people is my real worry. Come to think about it, that’s how we ate when I was a kid, and we actually did have an apple clamp, and no fridge or freezer.

    I’ll dwell on this. Thanks for your reaction, I like that.

    Apart from eating meat, which I do with restraint, on what did we really disagree? It seems to me that dairy cattle create an excellent ecosystem, whereas rows of avocados do not, but cattle generate methane, and what’s to do with all the boy calves?”

    I wonder about these things all the time.



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