Hi folks, You might think that after going through abdominal aortic surgery that your days as an athlete, especially an older Ironman competitor, would be over. Benjamin Carey of Heartosaurus fame demonstrated in his great book, 'Barefoot in November, that this is not the case for thoracic aortic aneurysm surgery in a younger person. So, as FitOldDog, I'm pushing the boundaries for abdominal aortic ... Read more
All Fueled Up At Johnny’s And Heading North With My Cook Zenith Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Stent Graft (Rupert) To Compete In The Lake Placid Ironman Again (Fun!!!!!)
Hi folks, The Global Positioning Unit (GPS) I have in my truck is like magic. It can find a motel. How about that! When I head for the Lake Placid Ironman Race each summer, that I enjoy so much (except for the last few miles of the run, like everyone else - pure pain), I like to cook my own food from the back of my truck. In order to do this conveniently, I have to find motels where I can back my ... Read more
Reduce Your Risk Of Premature Death By Having Your Aorta Scanned For Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA), Or Your Parent’s, Or Your Grandparent’s Aortas
Hi folks, Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is more common than you might think, and I suspect that the majority of AAA-induced deaths go undiagnosed, based on my experience with the thing. I found mine in the nick of time, and only because of my study of body awareness combined with a veterinary medical training. Two of my three sons had an AAA scan, which is carried out by ultrasound, takes about 15 ... Read more
Fond Memories Of An Expat AAA-Ironman Triathlete As A Young Veterinarian In Wellington Somerset
Hi folks, Many years ago I lived in Wellington, Somerset, England, where I worked as a young veterinarian. In fact, one of my latest Veterinary Tales, 'Pride Cometh Before A Fall,' was based upon an experience on a farm whilst I was working in the Wellington practice. It seems such a long time ago, so I looked on the Internet for a photograph of the Wellington of Today, and it looks to be just the ... Read more
Exercise Following Corrective Surgery For Aortic Dissection
Safe Exercise With Aortic Dissection? It's A Challenge No Exercise Is The Worst Exercise! I'm an abdominal aortic aneurysm survivor, veterinarian and endurance athlete in my 70s I'm writing this brief post in response to direct requests for advice on exercise following corrective surgery for aortic dissection If you want to hear my aorta story, watch this video Clearly, with aortic dissection, you need to be ... Read more
Do We Need A Better Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Risk Equation?
RE: good<5cm<bad Hi folks, welcome! I was looking around at the literature on AAA and I came across this interesting snippet from Chez Ollie, and I learned that we people with AAA are in distinguished company: "Vesalius described the first abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in the 16th century. Before the development of a surgical intervention for the process, attempts at medical management failed. ... Read more
Angioplasty.org, The Need for an AAA-Stent Community, Family and Back In Training
Hi! Folks, As I attempt to develop a community or forum for people with AAA-stents, I am encountering some very valuable resources, associated with which are kind and helpful people. For instance, Angioplasty.org, which I incorrectly referred to as Angioplasty.com in my previous post. Apologies to Burt, who has made a very relevant movie - I'll tell you about it once it arrives in my mailbox and I get to watch it ... Read more
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