Changing The World One Person At A Time, Starting With Your Run Mechanics!


Hi folks!

Whilst reading an interesting post from a link received via twitter, entitled ‘The Power of One Connection: How Word of Mouth Works Online,’ I was reminded of a conversation I had with Nick, Deb‘s 13-year-old son. I was driving Nick to his friend’s house and during the trip he said “Me and Jared are going to …,” a form that drives Deb crazy. I also consider it to be impolite, but it is now common usage in the USA – I even hear highly-placed politicians using this ‘me first’ expression on the radio.

I reminded Nick that his Mom would not approve, which he knew only too well, and stated that I personally considered it to be impolite, as saying “Jared and I” would be more appropriate. I also explained that I understand how languages evolve, and in this case devolve. He protested, stating that “everyone says it that way!” My response was in the spirit of the article referred to above, as I said, “Nick, you can change the world one person at a time, starting with yourself, and then it might spread if you persist.” In fact, I told him the old quote by George Bernard Shaw about the unreasonable man. It was clear that the light went on, and I started to think about the people who had, apparently, changed the world all on their own, not that anyone does anything entirely alone.

Then my thoughts drifted to my sport, triathlons, and how running is my greatest challenge. (Nick is a great runner by the way!) My biggest problem over the last year has been a growing addiction to light running shoes. The problem is that light shoes have less arch support and can open you up to foot and calf injuries, which they did to me. But all this comes down to optimizing my running mechanics. As you watch the best runners winning critical races at the Olympics or Boston, you have to know that people are watching and learning. If someone comes up with a new way to run that blows away the competition, lots of runners will be running that way within a few years.

A key way to change yourself as a triathlete is to improve your biomechanics, and for me this has been a big struggle with respect to running. I made my first real progress in this area when I studied Danny Dreyer’s Chi Running approach. This major modification of my running style led to a marked decrease in the frequency of my running injuries. Two such injuries put me in surgery, before I encountered Chi Running! Since then I have had a lot of coaching, qualified for the Boston Marathon thanks to Chris Haute, but still I feel that ‘my running sucks,’ especially after 112 miles on the bike. So I am always looking for new running tricks, then Twitter came through for me again. Here is a must see movie on run mechanics that I received via a tweet from my bike guy, Victor.

If you are interested in bikes or cool sports-related videos, you should follow Victor on Twitter as he always provides great links, not just idle chatter.

OK! Off to practice some of this running stuff from the video, VERY carefully!


-k (Old Dog!)


  1. Matthew Morgan says

    How do you feel about sentances that begin “I was like…”? 🙂

    Some great athletes have had an appauling style of running, Liz McColgan springs to mind. Of course that’s not to say they couldnt have gotten even better with a better style. Changing running style can be a long and hard process (requires a lot of thought to prevent bad habits sliping back in) but I’m glad it worked for you.

  2. Hi Matthew,

    I often wonder if anyone is reading this stuff, but I really enjoy writing it (don’t know why!).

    Yep! The dreaded ‘like,’ thing. Once people get, like, addicted to it, like, you know…! I think that it is similar to ‘baby on board.’ It will suddenly disappear to be replaced by some other oddity. Hope you are having fun, and what is happening with your peroneus tendon?



  3. I was told at Ruskin by an old Oxford Don: “You don’t know what you think until you have read what you have written”.
    It is not necessary for others to read the material…

  4. Matthew Morgan says

    Hi Kevin,

    I find the running elements of your blog interesting. I’ve never been drawn towards tri though. Does that mean I find one third of your blog interesting?! 🙂

    Foot is slowly starting to feel better. I go water running when I can which at this time of year (and without a car or bike) is only at weekends.


  5. Kevin Morgan says

    Hi Trevor,

    Interesting! This is true, I think. I enjoy writing my blog, as it does seem to clarify my thoughts, but the business objective is to teach myself how to e-network, and then to find my target audience, which I suspect will make itself evident as I blog along.

    Is your back ok, now?



  6. Back, no, not yet. Will take months of physio and after that it will still be a lot weaker than it was.

    As for writing, I write verse. Blake wrote verse. The desire for a big audience did not come first for him, the verses did.. It is the same with me.

    I do have a few readers on the net. I am more concerned with finishing my various works. They never are really finished, well not until I am dead…

  7. Kevin Morgan says

    Hi Matthew,

    Find that tight (strained) muscle and try to find a way to get it to let go, or it will continue to yank on the tendon. You can use a trigger point approach with a roller or a tennis ball, especially when it is warmed up following a workout, push laterally with your thumb until you feel it give a little, or use active-isolated stretching by initially engaging the opposing muscle group(s) which will cause a reflex relaxing of the peroneus. Plus, of course, ice or heat, whichever works best.

    Just be consistent with it. I also find that biking helps, as active recovery even for tendons is a good idea.

    If you are interested in a third of my posts, you are probably more interested than most. I get a great deal of enjoyment out of writing them. Next one is on the role of our arms in swimming and running (probably, all depending how the muse moves me).


    Kevin (Old Dog)

  8. Kevin Morgan says

    Hi Trevor,

    I must admit that I don’t think of the readers that much, either. I seem to get a great deal of enjoyment out of simply writing. In fact, I am somewhat surprised about this. It’s true, nothing ever seems perfect or complete, but I am just taking on short vignettes, to which I allocate only an hour or two a day. It is fun, though.

    Consider Feldenkrais for your back. I am convinced of the value of this approach, especially for recovery from injuries and to minimize adverse effects of the inevitable guarding that follows.

    Kind Regards,


  9. Feldenkrais? What is that? Is there a good web site?

  10. Kevin Morgan says

    Hi Trevor,
    There are plenty of websites and a number of books. For instance, Jack Heggie’s book on running is Feldenkrais-based. Here is one general site
    I use a local person who is very good, but not very convenient for you. If you click on the tag ‘Feldenkrais’ on this blog you will find it mentioned in plenty of posts. Let’s see what I can find in the UK near you:
    Yep, quite a few, and here is one kind of near to you
    Here is an interesting article on one guys experience with Feldenkrais, that I found entertaining and interesting ( For me it has been nothing but positive.
    The problem with this approach is that the name puts people off at first. Moshe Feldenkrais was clearly quite a visionary of the body.

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.

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