It’s The Clock, Not The Wall, That’s Your Friend When Training In The Pool, But A Fickle Friend!

Hi folks, welcome!

Rick, FitOldDog's swim coach, and he's making all the difference by taking my attention away from technique and onto conditioning (the technique is coming along for the ride - a long ride).

Rick, FitOldDog’s swim coach, and he’s making all the difference by taking my attention away from technique and onto conditioning (the technique is coming along for the ride – a long ride).

My swim coach and friend, Rick, now has me convinced that solid conditioning is key for the swim, and improved technique will come along behind if you watch what you’re doing.

The clock plays a big role in swim training, and it seems to change speed all the time. If you are trying to make a hard set, say 500s broken, the clock gets faster and faster, both when you are swimming and for those brief rest intervals on the wall. However, if you are doing an unstructured swim, it is easy to watch the clock moving lazily around, it even seems to slow down, and before you know it you’ve rested for several very pleasant, but not useful, minutes.

The real trick is to have a structured workout before you arrive at the pool, and bust your butt to stick to your times.

-k @FitOldDog



  1. What’s a structured workout, and why does one need to do that before getting into the pool? How does it help?

    • Hi Marsha!

      It’s pure training psychology.

      In order to optimize training you have to have a training plan designed for your goals and physical state throughout the season. One thing is for sure in the pool, when it comes to hard workouts, especially when they approach 5000 yards, you won’t complete them unless you are highly disciplined. If you think you can work it out in the pool as you go along it never works. The best you’ll do is probably 2-3000 yards, and will call it a day, thinking you have had a good workout. For Ironman, such a distance doesn’t really cut it. So! In the pool it is about fighting the clock to improve conditioning. As in running and biking, it’s more than 50% mental training, so a structured swim workout will hold your ‘feet to the fire.’ Get it done, hold your own against the clock, and it feels great once completed, and tough while your doing it.

      Ironman training isn’t about sitting on the wall at the pool, which feels so good during a tough set! Like walking late in a marathon – no way!



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