Hi folks, welcome!
Constructive criticism is a gift not to be wasted. Safe exercise, endurance training and business success, depend upon some careful experimentation and calculated risk taking.
Boy, I have a lot to learn about business, but isn’t learning fascinating? It makes life so much fun. Having read The Lean Startup, we started with an experimental product, a downloadable video, with linked pdf. This brought us our favorite customer, Rosemary, who seemed very happy with our work (review #1).
We then moved on to test the waters with an e-book, available via Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and a number of other places (click landing page image below for these links), which resulted in review #2. Ummh! Not so great. Then I realized that this was a gift – the product needed a major overhaul.
I started by redesigning our sales page on the basis of advice from my eldest son, Nick, of the Calorie Pilot App and Shirts That Go.
This experience reminded me of a comment by my Ironman coach, Chris Hauth, whose only comment, after I took about 45 minutes off of my best Ironman time in Lake Placid, was, “What happened to your cadence on the bike?” Not encouraging! Not a pat on the back! But highly informative.
I applied myself improved cycling cadence, which worked wonders! Thanks again, Chris.
The trick is to listen, not react defensively, and learn.
Wonder how I’ll do in Lake Placid this year? I’ll be happy just to finish with my new abdominal aortic aneurysm stent graft extension.
Life truly is good, if you have the right attitude.
Very wise: The trick is to listen, not react defensively, and learn. I still fail the ‘not react’ part!!! aaaggghhh.
Makes perfect sense. By the way, nice selfie!