Don’t Forget To Reward Yourself Before Your Next Spin Of The FitOldDog Training Wheel


Hi folks,

We all need a break, and some fun, don't you think. From:

We all need a break and some fun, don't you think? From:

It pays to respect the natural cycles of life. If you’re a lion, you catch a gazelle, stop to eat, feed your young, and then you get to bask in the good feelings of a job well done (whilst keeping an eye on the competition, including the hyenas). I am sure this sequence of events is true for all living things in their own way, be it animal or plant (a purely human distinction). Each dog has his day in the sun, so why not you? You achieved your goal, be it walking around the block, running a marathon, or writing a book, and now you should have a reward before moving on to set your next goal.

I like ice cream, but not as much as some people do. From:

I like ice cream, but not as much as some people do. From:

A while ago, I was speaking to a young man (about 40 years of age) who clearly had a weight problem, and he informed me that he had stent in his heart already. I talked to him about staying in shape, asking tactfully what it would take to encourage him to undertake an exercise program. He immediately replied, “I’d like a reward!” I replied, “Well, let’s say I set you the goal of walking three miles, slowly building up to the distance to avoid injuring yourself, what reward would you want once you achieved this?” His reply was immediate and stated with some relish, “An Ice Cream!” This guy had clearly eaten enough ice cream already, but that was what he wanted.

If you work hard, reach your goal and you are ready to do it again, don't forget to stop, reflect, and reward yourself before moving on.

If you work hard, reach your goal and you are ready to do it again, don't forget to stop, reflect, and reward yourself before moving on.

I later reflected on his answer, and it occurred to me that he could have a 500-calorie ice cream if he burned 2000 to 3000 calories during his exercise program. The trick is to burn more than you consume, though it is not as simple as that, as Gary Taubes clarifies in his book, ‘Why We Get Fat And What To Do About It.’ This was when I realized that you need to build a reward into your training program, and such rewards are person-specific. My rewards include feeling fit, enjoying my workouts (and meals afterwards) and one Big Mac (nostalgia food that reminds me of my first visit to America in the late 1970s). Some people would like a glass of wine, a trip to Tierra del Fuego, to talk all about the race with friends, or to admire with pride the race medal on their living room wall. This guy wanted an ice cream, and why not, as long as he can wait until he has earned it.

What is your chosen reward for working out, I wonder? It certainly pays to know, as this is what might take you on to your next goal related to safe exercise for better health.

-k @FitOldDog

Today’s workouts:

Workout PLAN Coach: Chris Hauth
Duration: 00:50:00
morning easy jog – Tuesdays now become run focus days.
Duration: 01:00:00
evening run at Z2 running HR – fast feet and great form


Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.

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