Easy Vegetable Gardening?
Easy vegetable gardening! Oxymoron?
People ask me how my garden grows so well, with all that North Carolina clay.
I just reply that it’s the easy vegetable gardening approach, aka The One Straw Revolution.
It really is easy.
Clay is rich in minerals, and the worms that were ‘seeded’ into the soil during construction (to keep out rabbits and deer, and control flooding), do all that work. I just dig little holes or a shallow trench with the hoe, to plant seedlings or seeds.
Three tricks to that:
(1) Little and often, just yank a few out, every day, and
(2) Broadcast clover to keep down the weeds, and fix nitrogen in the soil at the same time.
(3) No compost heap. Just scatter vegetable waste and weeds back on the ground where they came from. Even dense okra and tomato stems dissolve back into the soil in no time. Sure surprised me.
Furthermore, easy vegetable gardening keeps you in touch with planet Earth and the rest of the biosphere. It calms the nerves, relaxes the mind, and it’s good for your training.
You are what you eat, it’s been said.
In my opinion, medicine should be:
- 45% diet
- 45% exercise of mind and body
- 9% kindness
- 1% pills.
Unless you have aortic disease, and then for a little while, at least, it’s 100% surgery, thank goodness.
Keep on trucking, my aortic companions.
Wishing you happy trails,
kev aka FitOldDog
Oh Yes! Please ask your doctors to explain this picture to their patients:
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