Eggs is Eggs? You Are What You Eat So Select Your Foods Carefully!

Hi folks! Glad you came by!

The difference between very fresh eggs from chickens living on bugs in the pasture (left) and those receiving quite a bit of corn and the eggs hanging about for a little while (yolk fragile) before they reach you, is pretty obvious. Look carefully at your food if you want it to be at it's most nutritious.

Both of these eggs were purchased recently, and came from locally raised chickens (not a store). The difference between the very fresh eggs from chickens living on bugs in the pasture (left) and those from chickens receiving quite a bit of corn and the eggs hanging about for a bit before they reach you (yolk fragile), is pretty obvious. Look carefully at your food if you want it to be at it’s most nutritious.

Chose your food with care for optimal nutrition.

Since going Paleo, to very good effect, I’ve been eating even more eggs than before. I always try to buy the best eggs I can (tempted to get some chickens of our own), and when you lay (excuse the pun) your hands on eggs from chickens living on bugs you’ll find that they are REALLY tasty!

The benefits of a Paleo diet have been multiple, including, (1) I achieved ideal race weight with no effort or food restriction, (2) I don’t need to eat during long workouts or races, and (3) I feel better for it.

Look carefully at your food, and always seek the best ingredients you can find is my advice.

-k @FitOldDog



  1. I’ve just noticed a pair of feet there by those eggs.

  2. It’s true, and the photo indicates that I still have a slight tightness in my right hip rotators, but my stance is closer, and thus healthier for my general posture. You can learn a lot from such incidental observations. Thanks for pointing it out. -kevin

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Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.