Hi folks! Good to still be here on Planet Earth, though I would like to visit the space station!

FitOldDog weighed in at 148.2 lbs, wearing his Hoka One Ones, a weight he could never achieve before he went Paleo – photo taken by a kind fellow cyclist (name unknown) by the ski jumps in Lake Placid a few days before the 2013 Ironman race.
When it comes to putting things in perspective, read The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson, then study a bit of Biochemistry, and you’ll understand why America has been fooled into obesity by the low fat diet craze. FitOldDog is finding Paleo thinking (not a strict Paleolithic diet – that’s impossible – the stone age has come and gone, but it could come back!) is improving his life and Ironman training dramatically, and he doesn’t have to eat all that food on the bike and run. All due to reprogramming his genes, or transcriptomes to be more precise.
There is no end to what you can learn if you learn to listen, watch, let go of old ideas that don’t work, leaving room to let new ones in, and just experiment as you dance through life.
I am about to carry out a critical experiment on my Paleo diet approach to nutrition, heading off on the Lake Placid Ironman race with no food, just electrolyte supplements and water.
Can I complete an Ironman race without eating, and come in with a smile, or will I be forced to eat something along the way?
We’ll see and I’ll let you know. That is one important change I am making to my race, and this is my 7th time.

Click image for link to short video by Rory, FitOldDog’s bike coach and riding partner – plus he gives me a beer after the Lake Placid Ironman. That’s what friends are for. Right?
Change close to a race is dangerous! Every coach says that.
The second change I am forced to make is my new running style. It has dramatically improved my joy of running, resulting in 2/7 place in a recent 4-mile race in Carrboro, NC, but can I apply it to a Marathon? We’ll see, but I sure don’t want to go back to my old way of running. This step forward has resulted from my years of studying The Feldenkrais Method with Karen, followed by Dance and Continuum training from Rebecca.
This work focuses on optimizing body movement through body awareness, to improve flexibility, posture, balance, and neuro-myo-fascial fluidity of action. It is learned one little change at a time, which for older athletes is probably the only way to improve your game, as force won’t work!
This short video clip will clarify things a little.
-k @FitOldDog
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