Flying Umbrellas And Internet Struggles In The Antipodes


Hi folks

Australian Fruit Bat. From:

Australian Fruit Bat. From:

Every country is just a little different from the last, and Australia is no exception. I finally worked out how to gain Internet access, in my severely jet-lagged state. One of the first real differences I noticed was the size of the bats (plus the notice about shark nets along the beach – so I found an excellent Olympic size pool instead!). My blog posts may be a little erratic as I struggle to deal with the new location, family, exploring, and fitting in my training (Lake Placid Ironman is only seven months away). Training first, blogging second!

Don’t forget your workouts over the holidays.

-k @FitOldDog



  1. Where are you? I know which continent, but which town?

  2. Hello from the U.S.! I see you are managing to keep the blog going even from “down under”. A little jet lag and shifted latitudes can’t keep a fit old dog from his tricks. We are in Kinston, NC with my parents. We have Rory, and he is having a fun time. Plenty of attention. Lots of food. He is in a great mood and has been laughing, laughing, laughing…. He and Meg just went out for a walk. Say “hello” to Deb and the kids for us. Oh, AND to Deb’s folks… We haven’t seen them in years. Happy Holidays and try not to get burned under that crazy Aussie Christmas sun…. Brad

  3. Hi Brad,
    I am sure that Deb will be pleased with your message, and thanks for sending it, and thanks again for looking after Rory. I am glad that he is in a good mood! Here it is a very hot Christmas day.
    I’ll pass your message along to Deb., and Merry Christmas!

  4. Hi Marian,
    Merry Christmas!
    We are in Surfer’s Paradise, in The Gold Coast.

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.

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