Free High Resolution Video By FitOldDog On The Use Of PowerCranks For Running And Cycling Training As He Seeks His Market Niche


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Photo of FitOldDog with his new dog,Willbee

FitOldDog’s new dog (great dog), Willbe, is just checking him out in the way he knows best.

Learning how to make a living on the Internet is an interesting and fascinating challenge. You have to decide what you want to sell, to whom, and how to reach them. There is plenty of advice out there on ways to approach this issue, but you still have to work it out for yourself. In a way, it’s like Ironman training. Coaches help a lot, but you have to do the hard work, modify your program to suit your specific case, learn to perceive your personal strengths and weaknesses, and above all be patient and persistent. If nothing else, the process has given me greater respect for successful businessmen and women. Currently, I am exploring the use of video, using Viddler, which is a cut above the quality generated by my YouTube account in terms of resolution and content.

Photo of sprig of holly by FitOldDog

Happy Holidays!

I wondered what to work on first, and plantar fasciitis came to mind. For which I created a short plantar fasciitis cure guide (available for free download from this link). Then, in response to questions from readers, I collaborated with my dance and Continuum instructor, Rebecca, in the creation of a 15-minute video showing how to undertake self-applied myofascial massage, which can very effectively cure runners plantar fasciitis. This video is for sale via this link as an option associated with the manual. Then, one rainy day, I decided to create a simple video demonstration on how I use PowerCranks to improve your running and cycling. They are also great tools for rehabilitating strained hip flexors. I decided to put this video out there for free download, and here it is.

Click on the video for a link to (who are not sponsoring this video, I just like their product).

Followers of this blog can download a copy of the video, with low or high resolution, via this link.

I have a lot to learn about the video market and finding my niche, but the only way to do so is to give it a whirl. Just like endurance sports!

Stay fit!

-k @FitOldDog


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Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.