Having Trouble With Your Ironman Training – Try, Try And Try Again, And Try Dry Needling If You Have To!

Robert The Bruce and spider

“Try, try and try again.. and you will succeed.” By Robert The Bruce.

It’s been a two-year journey, but now I think I’ll be able to get back in shape – yes, dry needling finally got me running again. It went like this:

FitOldDog at Gallop and Gorge 8k run 2015

Notice that I’m walking less and able to gradually pick up my pace throughout the 8k run.

  1. Qualified for World’s Half Ironman Championships, 2013, Raleigh NC with a great run.
  2. Went to World’s in Las Vegas, August 2013, had bike wreck, ended up in my second aortic surgery, but little did I know, my pelvis was subluxated.
  3. Horrible season in 2014, because I couldn’t run as my left hip and right calf would lock up.
  4. Had hip subluxation diagnosed and realigned by Osteopath.
  5. Worked on soft tissues for the next 6 months, still locking up. Tried everything I could do with rollers and stretching.
  6. Worked on by a Chiropractor in Kona, using Active Release Therapy, during my son’s Ironman race, and she said, “I can’t release it, your gluteus minimus, it’s completed locked up. Try dry needling when you get home.”
  7. I had dry needling a few weeks ago, and that hip seemed to be letting go.
  8. Ultimate test today, a local 8k run, and YES! I could run, gradually picking up my pace throughout with less and less walking – I was trying to avoid that glut minimus cramping, which it didn’t
  9. Running again, time to find a coach, and choose my next Ironman race – finally.

Those are the breaks, but it sure pays to just keep on trying, like Robert The Bruce’s Spider.

Happy Trails.


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Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.