Do vegans live on salads?
Is vegetarian and vegan food really tasteless and boring?
“Even highly intelligent people are programmed by their environment and upbringing, and the food industry.” FitOldDog
I’ve saved over 600 animals from abuse, since going 99% vegan, 7 months go. Only 99%? I still eat Honey Stingers on long bike rides. I don’t buy the logic of the honey vegan thing (yet!).
If you go vegan, get ready for weird and sometimes irritating conversations. Not that anyone, but you, can irritate you (that’s another story).
- Where do you get your protein?
- It’s too expensive!
- Fast food is the only thing available, in my lunch break.
- I don’t like vegetables, they taste bad!
- Give up grilling out, are you crazy?
- I need meat for protein, I lift weights!
- My friends will think I’m weird!
- Blah! Blah! Blah!
Just do a vegan experiment, for one week. Try different foods. Test herbs and spices. I did both. I don’t regret it one little bit. My life is EVEN better now.
If going vegan isn’t the best thing for you, which it might not be, read ‘The Omnivore’s Dilemma.’ Just make little changes in your life to eat less factory farmed foods (do you need the hormones and antibiotics and animal abuse in your system? Eat well for animal rights and your health and the planet).
Become a locavore. Eat essentially the same food, but better quality. Just buy local produce whenever you can. Get to know your local farmers – they can be great to know.
Have a Meatless Monday to save the animals. Every bit counts.
Learn how to use herbs and spices in your food. It’s easier than you might think. Test and taste. Use fresh or home grown! It’s not rocket science!
Vignette: A friend of mine suggested that I write a vegan cookbook. I mentioned it to Deb, who is encouraging my veganism for animal rights (and prostate health). Deb immediately replied, while reaching into the toaster oven (again), “You can’t write a cookbook, you’re not a chef, these baked potatoes are great. How do you do that?” I smiled and moved on.
Instead of writing a vegan cookbook, I decided to add a simple, tasty, cheap vegan recipe, to each chapter of my upcoming book:
“Veterinary Stories To Save The Animals:
You Don’t Have To Be A Vegan, Animal Rights Activist, To Make A Difference.“
I’ll keep you posted in my newsletter – sign up here!
Will be in online stores soon.
Bon appétit, my brilliant friends!
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