Human Bodies Adapt: Claudication and Heel Pain

Claudication and Heel Pain?

Doesn’t look impressive, but it is, considering the tough, hilly trail and the challenges of vascular stenosis. Just do what you can, and smile! Oh Yes! They totally ruined these trails with that horrible gravel. Why? Because the people who maintain the trail, never run the trail. It used to be all pine needles and golden North Caroline grit. This run gave another chance to research the condition doctors mistakenly call plantar fasciitis.

Bodies adapt, means that both our hardware and wetware can learn.



  1. limping.
    • A condition in which cramping pain in the leg is induced by exercise, typically caused by obstruction of the arteries.

bodies adaptThe vascular surgeon said active walking, including some pain, can build collateral circulation. I upped the ante a bit, by signing up for a marathon. The runs are becoming longer. Yesterday’s nine-mile run turned into a ten-mile run. I became lost in the forest on some hilly single trails. Some very beautiful single trails. The slow average pace it largely due to walking over dangerous rocky portions of the trail. My goal was achieved, to run at least two-thirds of the time. There is no way I could have done this a couple of months ago.

Conclusion: Appropriate exercise can build collateral blood vessels to help you overcome claudication. It hurts, but not as much as being stuck in a sedentary life-style.

Heel Pain That Doctors Incorrectly Call Plantar Fasciitis

bodies adaptBeen studying this for about eight years. Made another minor breakthrough today. I call it plantar neurostimulatory upstream diagnostics, right now, at least. I used to call it plantar fasciitis reflexology. Here’s what was posted about on FitOldDog’s plantar fasciitis page today.

Plantar Fasciitis Research Continues:

I do love working on this heel pain mystery. Learned a new thing today. The neurostimulator, described in the latest book, allowed me to track down the source, and fix it in minutes.

Here’s the book link, if you’re curious:…/…/

Well, I actually made a new neurostimulator, with a better design. Scooter, our old, almost blind, almost deaf, and almost always wanting treats, lovely little dog, had to be in the picture. The neurostimulator was made from a coat hanger, again, as you can see. It really worked, nicely.

bodies adaptIt went like this:

Ran 10 miles yesterday, first long run of this race prep. Then sat on my hamstrings (bad idea!) for two hours this morning, focused on my work. Got up, and there it was. Pain in the center of my right heel. I thought, “Um! This is an opportunity to do some research. I’ll get out the old neurostimulator. No, I’ll make a new one.”

First I checked area 1. Yep, still reached my opposite hip. Then I tested the other regions (see image), and finally the heel. Area 9. The most challenging of all. Brushing my

bodies adapt

Bodies adapt through learning new things. It’s a fact.

heel immediately revealed areas of tightness in the same leg, in medial hamstring, hip flexor (psoas), and right hip. Really tight in right hip, including hip rotators and lateral glutes.

Started a standard stretch routine for these muscles, and I felt the heel discomfort fade away.

Guess I’m onto something. A coat hanger may be a better choice than the Strayer craziness.

Wishing you happy feet and happy trails,

kev Still learning new tricks to keep his mind alive. I’ll be 75 next week. Who would believe it?

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.

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