If You Don’t Move To The Music Try Continuum To Improve Your Sport


Hi folks,

Shadow under a tree in Torrevieja, Spain. Don't live in the shadows of your life, escape.

Shadow under a tree in Torrevieja, Spain. Don't live in the shadows of your life, liberate yourself.

I hate to say it, but we are all highly conditioned by our childhoods until we escape and let it go, and finally take responsibility for our lives. A slap or a compliment makes all the difference between poor self-esteem and happy dancing. I spent most of my life unable to enjoy the dance, but thanks to Deb sending me to Continuum lessons with Rebecca I now move to the music. It’s irresistible, whereas before I could not understand why people seemed so happy dancing.

When it comes to triathlons, I would like to suggest that dancing your swim, bike or run (even the transitions) is a good way to go. I explore the dance as I try to chase Rick down in the pool (I’ll get him one day!), and sometimes I feel as though the water is dancing with me and the swim is effortless thanks to Continuum. The same goes for the bike and the run, and especially for cooking. What could be better than making a meal whilst dancing to the music of life? Thanks Deb and Rebecca.

If you decide to follow this path, take a look at my first Continuum lesson and decide whether you are really ready. I was, thank goodness!

-k @FitOldDog

Today’s workouts:

Solid swim with Rick, run with Duncan to pull up my pace, and a little dancing.

Workout PLAN Coach: Chris Hauth
Duration: 01:05:00
aerobic run
Distance: 3100.0 yd
Duration: 01:00:00
3100 Warm-up (500) 500 Choice Set #1 (800) – on :20 rest Two times through: 200 pull b.p. 3, 5 by 50 200 kick Set #2 (500) 10 x 50 on the fastest send-off interval you can maintain with only about :05 rest Set #3 (500) 5 x 100 (25 R, 25 L, 25 choice drill, 25 build) on :20 rest Set #4 (500) 10 x 50 trying to do the same send-off interval as the first 10×50 Set #5 (300) 300 easy – swim or pull – with perfect technique (long smooth strokes)
Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.

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