Incorporate Exercise Into Your Travel Plans By Being Prepared

FitOldDog doing cord training for the swim.

Cords are great swim training. Photo by a kind passerby, John.

FitOldDog has a cup of tea and healthy food after his run, plus a roller session.

FitOldDog sets up his post-run cup of tea and some good food choices. I also bring along my rollers to keep my plantar fasciitis at bay.

There is no reason to neglect your training on road trips, you just have to incorporate exercise into your travel plans.

I stopped along the way to continue my training during today’s drive, a long one, to the Cleveland Clinic for another CAT scan to check the state of my abdominal aortic aneurysm stent grafts. I’m just getting over realignment of my pelvis, and it is still a bit of a battle to bring my running back. I’m also working to lay the associated plantar fasciitis to rest. Today was an easy workout: 3 x 50 cord set, one of the best exercises to keep your swim strong, then a short run. This run might not seem like much to you, but for me it was a real sign of progress.

My pace had picked up and no foot problems.

I stopped in a rest area, found a suitable asphalt ‘track,’ and completed a short interval set – the goal was to approach a 9:00 pace, which I have been unable to do for ages due to that hip problem. The track was a 0.29-mile loop around the rest area building, and included a quiet area where trucks park. I did three sets of walk 1, run 1, and my pace for the runs was much better than last week (best at that time was about 9:40 pace); today I achieved, 9:16, 9:17, 9:01, with no sense of stress on my feet – very satisfying.

FitOldDog's watch shows his run pace.

For the 3rd loop I held a steady 9:01 without major effort. Now to work up to 26.2 miles at close to this pace. Time and patience!

When undertaking rehab, it is critical to take your time, and gently push yourself, measuring progress as you go.

Furthermore, consider incorporating myofascial massage, roller work into your exercise routine, to keep your muscles loose, calves behaving properly, and plantar fasciitis at bay.

PS Note that I found an asphalt surface to run on, as I never (or almost never) run on concrete, which is very dangerous for your joints – too hard!


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Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.