Joe Friel’s Site Is Really Useful If You Are Undertaking Endurance Training – If You’re Not, I Can’t Imagine Why!

Hi folks!

I’m always looking for websites that help my training, so recently I put Joe Friels’ Blog on my Google desktop to see what came by. Good stuff came by, such as his recent article on the effect of missing workouts, which included this fascinating table:

Information on 'detraining' from Randy Wilbur via Joe Friel's Blog

The styrofoam cup ‘meditation’ that I wrote about ages ago, also came from a comment in Joe’s book, Going Long, which I highly recommend!

Thanks Joe,



Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.

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