Johnny Said What’s Your Secret To Being Surrounded By Pretty Girls?


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FitOldDog's support team, Lake Placid Ironman,

FitOldDog’s support team at the Lake Placid Ironman 2012, including Deb, Myles, Meg, Jess, Tara, Nick (hiding) and Duncan (rolling his eyes as he takes the picture).

I thought about Johnny’s question and realized that it’s true, I spend a lot of time with pretty girls. I think that the answer to his question is simple, “Do stuff.” Don’t go looking for pretty girls, just do stuff. Stuff that interests you. That’s it really. It helps if you like women and show an interest in them, but don’t let them boss you around (they love to supervise – women don’t like men to be unsupervised, but if you let them do that they immediately lose interest in you). Be yourself. Grow a spine! Be kind. Listen (my biggest challenge).


That’s it Johnny. Took me about 50 years to work that one out.

-k @FitOldDog


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