Is Your Life A Step Up Or A Step Down For The Biosphere In General Or Humans More Specifically


David's lovely little bench in the woods, with a plaque, "One Small Step For Mankind."

FitOldDog loves David’s comfortable little bench in the woods, which has an interesting plaque, “One Small Step For Mankind.” Is your life a step up or a step down? David’s was a step up for me, clearly.

Hi folks,

One of David's lovely walls, just behind our house on the edge of UNC land.

A gift to anyone who passes by, including FitOldDog and Scooter (who sees it differently, as territory), one of David’s lovely walls, just behind our house on the edge of UNC at Chapel Hill NC USA, on land that we enjoy.

FitOldDog's logoThere was a man next door whose name was David – correction, there is a man next door whose name is David, and he left me some wonderful gifts in his ‘backyard.’ Beautiful walls with thoughts, hopes and dreams clearly attached, and a little bench where I like to sit from time to time and appreciate the richness of my life. So David’s life, for me at least, was a step up, not a step down, and though he’s not around physically, he is still there in spirit.

My program of safe exercise for better health is all about trying to be a step up by improving people’s lives, and I hope that my completion of Ironman races with an AAA stent graft may provide some with inspiration to have a life. I hate to think that anyone might become a prisoner of their stent because of fear of its failure, or of other health challenges for that matter.

Is your life a step up or a step down? Good question to ask yourself now and again.

-k @FitOldDog


Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.

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