Listen To Your Coach Or Customer, And Learn – Great Review Of Our Plantar Fasciitis Product – Thanks Coach Rosemary!

Heel-Pain-Link-Figure1-forwebThis is why I love my  nascent business, Old Dogs in Training LLC:

Happy Customer – here is her Amazon review

5.0 out of 5 stars
I am able to jump on my trampoline again,
January 23, 2014, By R. Glean
FitOldDog’s Plantar Fasciitis Treatment: This System Is Based On An Understanding Of The Dynamic Nature Of Fascia (Kindle Edition)
“I ordered this book after injuring myself in April 2013. I had just finished moving all of my belongings from one apartment building to the one next door. I figured that I could handle it since it was such a short distance, but just days afterward I could barely stand without wincing. I had to stop jumping/running on my trampoline immediately, which was very difficult to adjust to the physical inactivity. I talked to my doctor and she indicated it was plantar fasciitis. I stretched and got one of those night boots, wearing it faithfully with no results. When I found this book while looking on the internet I decided to give it a try since Kevin was a very accomplished (and mature) athlete. At first I followed the basic suggestions provided and was still in pain. I decided to email him. Amazingly he emailed me back and based on my problems he and his wonderful dance teacher, Rebecca added more to the program. I have followed the protocol suggested by both as best as I can remember to on a regular basis and now I have NO PAIN when I walk. I have slowly returned to my beloved trampoline at very minimal weekly increments, starting at 30 seconds and am now up to 16 minutes, again with no pain. I was very impressed with Kevin’s follow through of every detail and appreciated that these are things that anybody, and I mean ANYBODY can do to regain the health of their feet. If you are willing to put a little work and a lot of love into your feet get this book. Kudos to Kevin and Rebecca!”

He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” Friedrich Nietzsche

Hi folks, welcome!

Piviot versus perservere lean startupWhen you take on a difficult task, be it getting back into sports after a major health challenge, building a small business, or completing an Ironman, there will be times when you will wonder what you are doing and why you are doing it. Be patient and you’ll find encouragement from others, just don’t give up, unless of course the endeavor was ill-conceived in the first place, in which case it’s time to pivot.

FitOldDog's Ironman Coach, AIMP Ironman Coaching, Chris Hauth,

FitOldDog’s great Ironman Coach, Chris Hauth, of AIMP Ironman Coaching. I used to irritate the shit out of him – I didn’t want to win hard enough, but boy, he taught me a bunch. My job was to listen – he didn’t think I was listening!

Ironman training is a perfect springboard for building an online business, as they both take a long time with no guarantee of success, require considerable dedication derived from the joy of the process, the ability to overcome setbacks, and from time to time some outside encouragement. However, you must know why you do these things because you will spend a lot of time on the road or trails, in gym or your office, battling on alone – with just the coach in your head to keep you company.

When it comes to Ironman training, even with an abdominal aortic aneurysm stent graft, I have no doubt about why I continue in this odd sport. I just enjoy it, especially the training! In fact, I’m my own satisfied customer.

FitOldDog's Office at the mall.

FitOldDog’s Office at the mall.

But what about my online business, Old Dogs in Training LLC, which sometimes feels as if it’s going nowhere?

Well, I’ve discovered that a satisfied customer is really what this is all about. I suspect that business success will come all in good time, assuming I learn effective business practices, such as “Buy right to sell right, don’t take on a business partner, believe in your product, and get to know your customer.

It turns out that getting to know my customer is the most important thing of all.

Thanks coach Rosemary (and coach Chris)!

-k @FitOldDog


Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.

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