Our Heart’s Desire Is Often Right In Front Of Us, But We Insist On Looking The Other Way!

Hi folks!

Well, it is another lovely day in the Chez Ollie on Planet Earth. One thing I love to do is read, especially with my Nook. Hundreds of books in one little book – still don’t believe it! Right now I am reading several books in parallel as usual, and one that is quite interesting and odd is entitled Multiple Streams of Income by Robert G. Allen, and there is even an associated website. There is also a lot of chatter on the web about whether this is really a scam! Where big money is involved ‘porous ethics’ are never far behind. That said, I must admit that this book contains some good advice. The writer presents his ideas and insights in a somewhat hyperbolic or showman-like style, which renders a potentially dry subject entertaining. I decided to comment on one of the many interesting quotes in this book. Quotes can be overdone, but in this case they are scattered throughout the text in an interesting and thoughtful way. The quote that appealed to me, and which appears on page 181 of my e-book, was presented like this:

Cited by Robert G. Allen in his book, 'Multiple Streams of Income'

This reminded me of my career choice, to become a veterinarian, and then a veterinary pathologist. I selected this career path in the first case, veterinarian, against the advice of my high (Grammar) school careers master who said that I would make a great biochemist. The second choice, pathologist, came about because of two things, (a) my desire to escape veterinary practice, in spite of the fact that James Herriot got it right when it comes to the nature of veterinary practice in England in the 60s and 70s, and (b) my dream to speak better French, which I finally did. At every turn of my career, however, I always gravitated towards Biochemistry or it gravitated towards me, in the strangest of ways. I clearly love Chez Ollie. However, I tried to avoid it during my career at all costs – but it always turned up. I suspect that the message here is that our happiness is right in front of our eyes, while we ‘know better’ and insist on looking the other way much of the time.

How odd! But then, The Universe is clearly very odd indeed.

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Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.

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