Bike Skills Pay Dividends, Fortunately!

Bike Skills Pay Dividends, Fortunately!

This image shows the stats for a training level assessment ride I completed with one of my major triathlon supporters and fellow athlete, Tracey. The goal was a slow build over a period of two hours on the bike on a one-mile loop. Easy rollers, much like our upcoming race, White Lake Half Ironman. Tracey is younger, fitter, and stronger than I, but I noticed her slowly dropping back. This made me wonder why, so I ... Read more

Strengthen Your Feet to Face Aging Challenges

Strengthen Your Feet to Face Aging Challenges

I really like this site, SwimDotCom, which I access on Instagram. Loads of useful tips, including this one on freestyle kick. I use this kick to strengthen my core, and to both loosen and strengthen my feet. I know I've been going on and on and on about peripheral arterial disease (PAD) lately, but it is my toughest challenge when it comes to continuing Ironman training. You may wonder, as the swim is a minor ... Read more

Triathlons In the Cold With Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD): Use Hand and Foot Warmers

Triathlons In the Cold With Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD): Use Hand and Foot Warmers

Boy, that was a cold wet race. My friend Tracey, who also did the race, took this photo after I changed into warm dry clothes. Wet conditions in the cold, 42 degrees F and cold rain. Cold with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a bad combination. It makes claudication and foot numbness worse as our bodies work to conserve core temperature by reducing peripheral blood flow. This makes a bad (PAD) situation worse. ... Read more

Peripheral Arterial Disease and Penguin Feet: Never Stop Experimenting to Encourage Blood Flow

Peripheral Arterial Disease and Penguin Feet: Never Stop Experimenting to Encourage Blood Flow

I was struggling along on a run fighting off peripheral arterial disease claudication using the methods in my book, plus another couple of tricks, when I thought of penguin feet. I'm a life-long scientist, and my mind is always doing stuff like that. "Penguin feet?" you might be thinking. The connection is readily apparent, if you have an interest in countercurrent flow systems, and a desire to encourage blood ... Read more

Training for Aging is a Journey, Not a Destination

You can use your fingers to help your toes, as you train for aging and fight peripheral arterial disease. Aging is truly the toughest endurance sport. For me it has become a way of life, even though we train for aging our whole lives. Most importantly, it's never too late to start. I qualified for the 2023 World Half Ironman Championships this year by the skin of my teeth. On race day in August I will have just ... Read more

Access to Wrong Name Books by FitOldDog

Access to Wrong Name Books by FitOldDog

Go to Wrong Name Books . Free at Wrong Name Books, via this link, FitOldDog ... Read more

Question From Australia on Yoga Toes for Running With Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)

Question from JW, Perth, Australia: "I have been doing the yoga toes stretch after reading your blog on how it helps in get rid of toes numb pain during claudication exercise.   The pain normally comes after about 5km mostly on the big & 2nd toe.   I  normally do 3 sets  x 30s  of yoga toes exercises daily with little improvement.  I am currently on 4E width ... Read more

Peripheral Arterial Disease Training and Treadmills

Treadmills have their place, but they are no substitute for the road or the track, when growing collaterals using Peripheral Arterial Disease Training. I recently published a book on fighting peripheral arterial disease, but I wanted to emphasize several observations that are helping my battle, as I train for a couple of half Ironman races that are coming up. (1) When doing peripheral arterial disease training ... Read more

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.