Older athletes, undertaking plant-based running, have to take care, balancing endurance against intensity. The track is a great place to safely ease up your pace, and learn from other runners.
As I finally recover from that subluxated pelvis, which has taken about two years, and settle into a vegan life-style, my pace at the track is finally returning. Fortunately, I have friends, in this case Julie, to pull me along and help me to avoid being lazy. I also have lots of friends persuading me to become vegan, and undertake plant-based running – it’s working wonderfully, and feeling better every day!
Our track workout, yesterday, was short and sweet, comprising 9 x 400 yard repeats. You can see that I died on the final set, but I was happy with the overall performance, as it was preceded by a really tough (for me) bike trainer ride, the day before.
The only way to continue racing as you age, by staying injury-free, is to stay in touch with your body. There is a balance between stretching or lengthening muscles, and strengthening them. This comes with practice, and really watching what is going on inside your body. I cannot imagine how people do this if they have head phones on, are watching TV, or reading a book on a stationary bike.
When I train hard I always notice my plantar fasciitis nipping at my feet, but with a little arch activation it’s gone again. If you want to read more about this, just go to Limberfeet or our Plantar Fasciitis Facebook Page.
You also might want to consider undertaking a plant-based diet, as there is a growing number of plant-based or vegan athletes out there. This work also complements my recent foray into animal rights advocacy, which I’m enjoying a lot. I feel better in my body, and about my relationship with the Biosphere. We each get to choose, and choose we do!
Yep! It’s all about your attitude to life, and extracting lots of enjoyment for you and as many humans and non-humans as you can.
Don’t forget, older athletes, when you’re training you are training, period. No ear buds, TV or books. Body awareness is the key.
Boy! It sure feels great to be running freely again, but it does kick one’s butt – I guess that’s the idea. Right?
Wishing you happy trails.
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