Plantar Fasciitis Data

As data come in we’ll store it here, and organize it from time to time


Journey #1 (resulted in our first book):

A, B, F, H, I, K, O, Q1,O,Q2,U,W4 (map needs editing here – all edits appreciated), GG,HH (Fixed) – time elapsed about 1 year, cost, about $1,500.

Journey #2 (much more difficult, but I’m back in training)

A, B, GG, II, U, W4, R (permitted subsequent fix), GG, HH (Fixed) – time elapsed about 3 months, cost, about $200


Please find below my attempt to apply your map, with some adaptation, to my patterns (3 time periods) of PF.


A,B,F,H,C,E,O,Q4 (foot roller),L,M (orthotics)

Time elapsed about 7 months; cost about 950 USD


A,B,L,N,I,K,R,T,O, Q2, Q3,Q4,C (cortisone injection)+DD+O1+GG,HH

Time elapsed about 8 months; cost about 560 USD (2750 USD if you include the price of a hot weather holiday, GG, to stimulate blood circulation and a new bike to ride when I could not run AND it would be even more costly if you factor in the costs of the health services that are free in the UK )



Time elapsed 2 months; cost about 15 USD (1110 USD if you factor in the cost of a hot weather holiday, GG)

Hope this makes sense.




Marsha Schauer I did J and P1-4. I also think that ‘rest’ helps. ‘Time’ helps to heal tendons and ligaments, non-muscle tissues…my opinion though.

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Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.