Progressive Popliteal Artery Occlusion
It is not the strongest of the species that survives,
nor the most intelligent.
It is the one that is most adaptable to change.
– Charles Darwin (attributed to!)
Pronating on purpose in response to progressive right popliteal artery occlusion. It’s worth a try, don’t you think?
This blockage sure is messing with my run.
Claudication occurs in response to just walking up hill.
The lateral (outside) head of my right calf (gastrocnemius) will start to ache, and then slowly lock up.
I thought, maybe the blockage (high pressure drop in fluid mechanics speak) is distal (beyond) to the branch point below the knee, and I can devise a workaround.
What if I move the load to my medial calf (gastrocnemius) muscle, by pronating. I’d have to do this carefully and slowly, to give time for my whole body to adjust. Remember, the leg bone’s connected to the hip bone.
A rapid change would cause problems elsewhere.
I did this and the aching shifted, first to the deep center of my right calf (soleus) then to the medial (inside) region. Shifting the load apparently modified the blood flow patterns, but the shortage of oxygenated blood to my right calf persists.
It is clearly the popliteal artery that’s becoming blocked (Yes, I’m trying to get an angio fix).
I found that I can run further by resting one area, allowing recovery from oxygen starvation in that region, as I induce it elsewhere.
Whether I can do an Ironman like this, I’ve no idea.
I’m sure going to try, but angioplasty would be better. Or just being young again would do the trick. No thanks, I’m fine as I am, no worries. I just turn my brain off as needed.
Wishing you happy trails.
kev aka FitOldDog on this lovely day in North Carolina
PS I’m off to do a 1-hour water run, which has no effect on my calf muscles at all, but it sure kicks ass.
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