Running Technique, Rollers, And Don’t Change Anything Before Your Big Race Unless You Have To; FitOldDog Had To!

Hi folks! Welcome to my chatter. I hope it’s useful. That’s my goal.

FitOldDog's travel gear.

FitOldDog’s key travel gear on the way to Lake Placid 2013; the office (backpack with computer), running shoes (now there’s a contrast, minimalist versus maximalist?), trusty rollers, and a running jacket so as not to freeze to death when blogging in McDonald’s (the people who actually could rescue America from Obesity with the right Paleo plan of attack).

It’s generally not a good idea to change anything before your big race, such as nutrition, gear, sleep patterns or technique, but here I am with a brand new approach to running and the Lake Placid Ironman only six days away. What can I do? The best I can! What else?

When it comes to Ironman races, my swim is generally pretty solid around 1:15, bike on the weak side, only ever once broke 7:00 (2010, the year I found my abdominal aortic aneurysm – race saved my life!), but my run is really my Achilles heel. Recently, I have been exploring my run technique, with a consequent epiphany based on the study of body movement. This story is presented in a previous blog post, via the previous link. This magical insight happened only a few weeks before my annual trip to Lake Placid, and I have no intention of stopping learning how to run more efficiently, Ironman race or no Ironman race. It’s just too exciting.

The Carrboro Four on the Forth of July race was the first time I ever placed in a local run, 2/7, coming in feeling so relaxed and happy for a change (see video clip, above).

Now I’m spending much of my trip up north working on this new running style. I’m into Ironman for the long haul, because I enjoy it so much, and I hear that my activities inspire other old farts to workout too (the real objective of this blog!).

The real trick: not to injure myself during the marathon leg of the race on Sunday.

-k @FitOldDog


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Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.