Hi folks, welcome.
We project our knowledge and experience out into world, and this affects what we see, noticing this but not that. We appear to create our world to a large extent, so we can choose a generous world or one of hostility and constant struggle.
Willbe, I’m pretty sure, looks out of the window and notes the presence or absence of squirrels and of other dogs with whom to play, or a basket ball perhaps. I look out of the same window and my first thought is rubisco, due to the red autumn leaves, and I dream of running trails as I await my stent repair. Same visual input (well almost, as I don’t have a doggy brain or canine anatomy – tapetum lucidum and such), but totally different perceptions. Well, we do have in common the desire to run and play.
Finally, I would like to say that the first time I saw the rings of Saturn and the Moons of Jupiter directly through my reflecting telescope, the solar system was somehow more real. Don’t miss this great feeling, go look!
-k @FitOldDog.
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