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FitOldDog’s improved running style got him second place in his age group (70-74), but Julie’s light-hearted running style dropped him in the end by about 20 feet! Way to go, Julie, who may consider running with me now I’m doing a little better. Photo by Tara House.
I’ve never been a great runner, but progress is finally being made as I work on body movement optimization with Feldenkrais, Continuum, Gyrokinesis, hours on trails, local races, and the inspiration provided by other athletes.
As I train for the Lake Placid Ironman 2013, which includes a 26.2-mile run, you might wonder why I would want to compete in a local 4-mile running race. The answer is simple: there are some remarkable runners at local races, in which I’ve never managed to place in the top three. I did, however, scrape a second place today, for the first time, as I ran on really tired legs from hours of hard training the previous day (2000 yd.-swim, 2 hour trainer bike ride including high wattage work, and a 4-mile run).

I placed 2nd in my age group (70-74) in a local run, the 4 on the 4th. (of July) 2013, Carrboro, 4-mile run. Took me long enough, but I had to fix my form first.
Running on tired legs is par for the course in triathlons, so local races provide a great opportunity to see if you can ‘keep your running legs under you’ when they are tired before you start. I attribute my success at the Carrboro 4 on the 4th race to improved running form, about which I blogged recently.
I was dropped in the final quarter mile by Julie, a family friend and great runner, who came smiling by near my little blue house in Carrboro around mile three. Based on this race, I might finally be able to run with Julie, who has always been far ahead in the past.
Local races provide a venue for training with better runners in order to improve your performance, and remember to smile, even if it hurts.
-k @FitOldDog
PS Can you see two little corrections that I need to make to my run style based on the picture at the head of this post?
Re running form: Is it that you are heel striking and your arms a little low?
Hi Rory,
Heel strike correct. I think this is a danger of Hoka One Ones, but I can fix that with some Chi Running thinking. Arms are fine, though there are different schools of thought on this one. One out of two, earns you a prize – lunch on me?
See you at 7:00 am. for the 80/10.
It was good to see that Julie can run again.
I would say runners need to lean forward rather than upright or maybe a little backward. I agree with the heel strike…. I think believe upright form contributes to striking the heel first.
I broke my 5th metatarsal on my left foot back in March and the subconscious effort to keep weight off the outside of my foot when training started back did a big part in helping my form. I had a tendency to land on the balls of my feet rather than the full foot. BTW…. I’m 48 and in my 4th year of sprint distance tri’s. looking forward to a race next saturday. Also looking forward to learning more from you and other fellow triathletes.
Hi Tony, yep! Too upright.
If you live around here you can have a lunch on me too! Or maybe at a race one day? I’m lined up for Lake Placid IM, Worlds 70.3 and OBX half, plus NYC Marathon, if you are going to any of these?
During my run today, I corrected the issue by I leaning slightly forward, using gravity to pull me along, as I did when I studied Chi Running, and the heel strike disappeared as I then landed mid-foot again. I was so busy with my new form that I forgot to focus on this aspect.
Developing optimal running form is quite a trick, and I am pleased to finally be making real progress. I was interested in the fact that your injury improved your form, which I completely believe. Injuries tend to do the opposite, however, due to inappropriate guarding.
I think that ideal form, which is person-specific, should lead to almost effortless running unless you are exhausted (as I was today), or you are pushing the boundaries of your particular pace. There are quite a few blogs on triathlons, with mine focused more on older athlete’s issues. I like Joe Friel’s blog, and also the triathlon LinkedIn group. There are also some excellent swimming sites, which are linked in some of my posts.
Hope you have a great race.