The Solution To Old Age Is Denial, Mall Running, And Don’t Smoke

Hi folks! Welcome to another day!

Asphalt running trail Maryland

There’s mall walking, and now FitOldDog recommends mall running.

On my second day of travel towards the Lake Placid Ironman 2013, I stopped at a packed Motel 6 in Maryland. I’m pretty sure that I was the only one there who didn’t smoke and certainly the sole soul who went for an early morning run. It had just rained when I set off at 6:00 am, so the heated humidity had yet to build towards stifling.

FitOldDog's post-run breakfast.

Post-run Paleo breakfast out of the back of the truck, comprising sauteed local farm squash, peppers, garlic, a dash of soy sauce, and leftover grass fed beef, combined with three of Johnny’s eggs – Johnny’s eggs are the best because they are only fed on bugs, no corn.

I had a great run on a local asphalt track, with plenty of room and a lap distance of about 1.5 miles – aka the local mall. Great place to run before the cars arrive.

Yep, stay young by thinking young enough to run, and by not smoking.

I’m fortunate to have never smoked, but I’ve watched people attempt to quit. It’s clearly not easy. I have also lost people I love through cigarette smoke-induced cancer, including Peggy, who I still miss all these years later.

Peggy was killed by the same cancer that killed my cat, Alobar, squamous cell carcinoma.

Beware all you people at the Motel 6 in Maryland!

-k @FitOldDog


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Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.