Spring Has Sprung, Do You Want To Be A 50 Plus Ironman?

FitOldDog's first crocus of spring 2015

Photo by FitOldDog, with permission – yes, I asked the crocus for permission.

FitOldDog's Boston Qualifier Medal

We all need encouragement, and when I mentioned that I’d like to qualify for Boston again, Deb put this medal on the door – Thunder Road, 2008, when a 4:07:59 got me to Boston at age 65. Never too old to live your dream. Photo by FitOldDog.

The first time I sat on the beach in Lake Placid for my first full Ironman race, in 2007, at age 64 (I think I was 64), I was really nervous. In fact, scared might be a better term. Now, when I do these things, I’m just excited, but I still ask myself, as I wait for the gun to go off, “What the hell am I doing?” But I do it anyway, and never, ever, regret it.

As I was rebuilding one of my websites the other day, FitOldDog.Com, I was thinking about search engine optimization (SEO), which led me to consider what Old Dogs in Training, LLC had to offer people in the way of value. So I added my Ironman experience, as a separate page, and then I went outside and saw my first springtime crocus, went for a long run (1.5 hours, on a treadmill), and forgot all about SEO for a while.

My page was designed to encourage people with a dream to go for it; such as Rick’s Ironman Dream (my swimming partner, Rick, did well in New Zealand the other day, 14:08:10, after about a decade away from the sport). A great example of just going for it! Apparently, he was all smiles at the finish!

Here’s my new page, v1, which contains my favorite ‘exercise is important photograph‘ that I obtained from a BiCycle Lab newsletter, by my great bike builder, Victor Jimenez.

You’re never too old to have a dream, or learn new tricks!

FitOldDog's 50 plus Ironman web page v1

I was really pleased with my page, until I received a list of things that should be included, from Daniel in the UK. Daniel is a business student, who I met through Walter, of Plantar Fasciitis Fame. He, with a group of other students, have taken me on as a project with respect to my online business aspirations, which I really appreciate.

OK! Work to do, and lots of new tricks for this FitOldDog to learn.

Thanks again, Walter and David.

I’ll post v2 when I get it done.


Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.

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