Hi folks! Thanks for stopping by!
If you want to enjoy an active old age, it might pay to make the right choices once the kids are grown and you have time for yourself.
I watch many of my peers unable to walk a decent distance, or walk at all in some cases, and certainly they’re unlikely to go off on a 100-mile bike ride anytime soon. It makes me a little sad, as this state of affairs begins in one’s 40s and 50s. Then as the 70s approach the decay becomes more serious, and can be accompanied by diabetes and other debilitating conditions related to living a sedentary life, both intellectually and physically. We see the most remarkable things out there on the trails or on our bikes; just look at the header photo and this beautiful sphere of dandelion parachute seeds. Just out there for the looking.
Don’t miss out, undertake a program of safe exercise for better health and do stuff before it’s too late.
-k @FitOldDog
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