When You Need A Plumber From The Perspective Of The Aortic Disease Patient

When You Need A Plumber From The Perspective Of The Aortic Disease Patient

What's that noise (symptom)? A change in life as we know it? Time to call the plumber? Thoughts of an aortic disease patient. We had a water leak a few days ago, due to the coldest weather ever, combined with leaving a window open just above the pipe in our cellar. I came in early, just by chance, and Deb had left the house about 10 minutes earlier. The timing was critical, as it is with aortic disease, my ... Read more

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.