Don’t Be Old Before Your Time Just Awaken Your Mind-Body Consciousness Through Dance Training ASAP

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A great book cover from a great artist, Duncan, and his business and art partner, Meg, at High Street Design. And yes, that is a profile of FitOldDog!

A great book cover from a great artist, Duncan, and his business and art partner, Meg, at High Street Design. And yes, that is a running profile of FitOldDog just before he turns 70!

When I see people close to my age walking around like ‘elderly people,’ I wonder why they don’t wake up and see they’re headed towards a limited life! I plan to stave that off for as long as I can get away with it, which entails a constant state of learning.

We each perceive the world in different ways, which is a good thing when it comes to survival of the species. It’s known as phenotypic variance. My middle son, Duncan, is that way, seeing things to which I am blind, making him a great artist. In fact, Duncan and his business partner, Meg, of High Street Design, have just created a great book cover for the ‘under construction’ hard copy version of my e-book, an Aortic Surgery Recovery Guide. I love the new cover, which is a product of their seeing the world differently to myself.

Thinking about seeing the world differently, I just had a great lesson from my Dance and Continuum teacher, Rebecca. This is where I learn one new trick after another to freeing up my movement.

FitOldDog (red) still has work to do on his running posture. Just look at those hunched shoulders! I was horrified. Photo by Randy Mews.

FitOldDog (red) still has work to do on his running posture. Just look at those hunched shoulders! I was horrified. Photo by Randy Mews.

Rebecca and I are constantly perplexed by how hard it is to convince people that the study of optimal body movement becomes increasingly important as you age.

What did I learn from Rebecca this time, you might ask? The lesson was based on the adjacent photograph, that horrified me, revealing terrible upper body posture during my completion of the 2013 Raleigh Half Ironman a few weeks ago. Just look at the hunched position of my shoulders.

Then I had the classic lesson – you would think that I should focus on my shoulders, but NO!  I learned that I have work to do on freeing up my movement by fine-tuning the angle of my pelvis with respect to my front-to-back long axis (frontal plane), which will release my trunk from the tension that is gripping my shoulders.

No way I would have worked that out on my own!

Use it or lose it is right when it comes to mental and physical activity as you age.

-k @FitOldDog



  1. I really like the new cover.

  2. Yep! Duncan and Meg did a great job. -kevin

  3. Yes, the cover has impact

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.

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