I think that I am correct in saying that no-one, absolutely no-one, really understands so-called plantar fasciitis (fasciosis?).
Plantar fasciitis isn’t a condition, it’s a complex of different conditions, leading to similar symptoms.
Some things are known about this painful condition, but there are many different treatments, some of which work for some people and some of which work for others. Until the biology of fascia (certain type or types of connective tissue in the body) is more fully understood, there will be no consensus on the nature or treatment of this condition.
For instance:
One guy I know, Gary, who had a persistent case of plantar fasciitis, did his planned 100-mile (yes, 100 miles) run anyway, and at about 60 miles his foot pain vanished, never to return. In some respects this is surprising, but maybe not – see step 5 of our method, but you’ll have to buy the book!
Another long-distance runner, I met at a triathlon training camp, who tried the same approach of running through the pain, simultaneously tore both plantar fasciae and ended having foot surgery (Ouch! We all winced!).
So, should I recommend long-distance running for foot pain.
No way!
The real trick is to decode your case of plantar fasciitis, then fix it, but you have to know what to fix!
FitOldDog cured his plantar fasciitis then went on to qualify for the 2009 Boston Marathon, at age 66
How our plantar fasciitis product came about:
Several years ago, I suffered from crippling heel pain, had plantar fasciitis diagnosed by my sports medicine physician, and went on a long journey, seeking the holy grail of plantar fasciitis therapy. I tried the boot, the sock, orthotics, massage, ice and rest, and stretching my calves, to no avail. Finally, my eldest son, Nick, said, “Dad, why don’t you try rollers, they’re great.” I did, and then wrote a blog post about my experience, entitled, “I Fixed My Plantar Fasciitis With A TriggerPoint Performance Therapy Roller (Sigh Of Relief!).” I then went on to qualify for the Boston Marathon, 2009.
The amount of traffic to that blog post surprised me, as I had no particular interest in plantar fasciitis, except to fix mine. Then I received a message from my son, Nick, saying a friend of his had found my blog post, not knowing who I was or my relationship to Nick, and had similar success using rollers. He later wrote a great review of our plantar fasciitis product;
“After 4 months of enduring the pain of plantar fasciitis and following all the wrong instructions from friends (rest, nighttime boot, ice, etc) I came across FitOldDog’s guide and it’s been nothing short of amazing. Within a few days I saw results and was walking my dog again without fear and now I’m up to 4 mile runs….now I just need to get in shape for the marathon I signed up for.” Ryan
This got the wheels turning in my brain, and I thought, “This would be a great thing to do for people, plus I might make enough to cover my costs if I can get the marketing and sales part right, so I’m giving it a try.”
There’s more, unless you want to jump straight to our sales page, and if so
The story gets to be even more interesting, and we want to help you to make the right choice for you, and there are choices, as you will see later (we’ll take you there, in fact, just see page 3 of our product website).
FitOldDog Undertakes Body Awareness Training
This experience, and a chronic problem with my right knee, resulted in my interest in the study of body awareness, and finally to my collaborator, Rebecca Amis Lawson. I was fortunate to be sequently introduced first to Feldenkrais, with Karen, and then to the study of Continuum with Rebecca.
I’m sure most of you don’t want a long lecture on the biology (or what little is known about it) of fascia, and the rigors of body awareness training, attending endless classes, buying and reading books on fascia from end to end, paying for massages and instruction.
You just want to fix your painful feet and get rid of your plantar fasciitis! Right?
FitOldDog Works With His Body Awareness Expert, Rebecca To Develop A New Method For Treating Plantar Fasciitis, Inexpensively
We first developed our method as a series of videos, with a downloadable document, advertised it, had a few customers, one of which was Rosemary. A number of questions came our way on the nature of her pain, and how to use our method, until it became clear that we needed to determine the source of her condition.
We requested that Rosemary send us a video of her standing and walking, which she kindly did. The source of Rosemary’s problem was immediately evident, collapsed or fallen arches, also known as flat feet. We expanded our product to provide more direction on her specific condition, and she recovered, and then kindly wrote the following review of our approach.
Rosemary’s review on Amazon:
I am able to jump on my trampoline again January 23, 2014, By R. Glean
Our success with Rosemary, which continues almost a year later, encouraged us to put work into improving our product, first as an e-book to explore the market. It turns out, based on our research, that:
a. A LOT of people have plantar fasciitis.
b. Our book is good, but it needs improving for clarity.
So, we are currently updating both the book and generating a much improved video, which will come out this year as a DVD and paperback, and as a downloadable video and book set.
But don’t wait, read our book, stay in touch and you’ll get the new book for free and a discount on the new video when it comes out.
In order to get started with fixing your pain,
Then send us your e-mail address and we’ll add you to our plantar fasciitis newsletter mailing list and give you discounts on new products as they come out.
Life is much too much fun to waste on plantar fasciitis.
You can’t do this with plantar fasciitis!
$179 for the roller kit isn’t in my budget. Darn.
Hi Marsha! That’s for the full kit, but the best roller is only $59. There are many other alternatives on the market. I should do a review. Or you can make rollers out of household stuff. For instance, a plastic water bottle filled with water can be frozen, and if you get the filling and freeze right it makes a great roller, whilst applying ice therapy. A wine bottle is good, but pretty hard, so you have to be careful not to bruise yourself, and so on. I tried to link to that one roller, but they haven’t got that set up yet – I should tell them. -k