Book Review – “The Athlete’s Guide To Recovery” by Sage Rountree

Hi folks!

I met Sage in the Open Eye cafe the other day and, with her usual energy and enthusiasm, she asked me how my training was going. During the ensuing conversation Sage mentioned that her latest book had just come out. I have considered writing a book a number of times, and then thought better of it – too much work! I love to read, so I contribute to the literature by actually buying books to provide the necessary royalties to make this happen. I certainly appreciate it when I encounter a well-crafted novel or textbook. This particular book, that I purchased through Amazon via Sage’s Website, is a bit of both!

The Athlete's Guide To Recovery by Sage Rountree

Sage has made an important subject interesting, whilst providing sufficient reference material and an excellent index, both of which are essential components of an effective textbook. The subject matter is introduced in an engaging way, with some personal anecdotes thrown in to keep the subject alive, whilst every aspect of recovery that I can think of is covered in a concise style with clear, supportive graphics. This book is appropriate for the absolute beginner and the more advanced athlete. My approach to recovery is to follow the instructions of my coach but to keep an eye on how my body feels, which is what Sage recommends. There are chapters on understanding the physiology of recovery, nutrition, sleep, training plans, integration of recovery with training in a healthy way, the need for complementary approaches such as massage and, of course Yoga, and most importantly the risks of over training, are discussed in some detail. The literature reference section is also extensive, which is helpful as much of this knowledge has been ‘out there’ for years, but this is the first time I have come across a thorough integration of the information needed to guide athletes through the recovery processes that are so critical for successful race achievements and a balanced life.

Thank you, Sage, for an excellent contribution to the athletic/health literature.


Kevin (Old Dog!)

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.

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