"I'm a doctor, so I can say this with a straight face: Don't trust your doctor. There's no question in my mind that today most doctors are businessmen first and doctors second. And you shouldn't trust your doctor anymore than you trust your stockbroker, (if you are foolish enough to have one)." Dr. Peter Rost. Does Nasacort cause tinnitus, or ringing in the ears? Recently, a medical professional friend of mine, who ... Read more
Ace Inhibitor Reynaud’s When Pills Create Resonance In Networks
Getting old comes with a tendency for us to need to take more pills, even if, like myself, you try hard to avoid all and any pills. I take Lisinopril to control by blood pressure, as the insertion of a stent graft into my abdominal aortic aneurysm, needed to keep me alive, also induced a severe increase in my blood pressure (it jumped from the normal range to 220/120). This is a long story, told elsewhere on this ... Read more
FitOldDog’s Moriarty Linked To His New Business Friend, Statins Can Induce Plantar Fasciitis
The lady's preacher told her that his feet also hurt, while he was taking Lipitor. I just received a valuable piece of information from my friend, Lisa, in the form of a link to an article that stated the following: "Heel pain from plantar fasciitis is another common complaint among those taking statin drugs. One correspondent reported the onset of pain in the feet shortly after beginning statin treatment. ... Read more
Buyer Beware Toxicity: FitOldDog Advises, “Don’t Apply Zinc Anywhere Near Your Nose”
Zinc has a long and tortured history, as a treatment for the common cold. "Under the terms of the agreement, 95 percent of eligible plaintiffs must accept the Arizona settlement; the average payment after legal fees would be about $21,000. Zimmerman, who called the settlement "very fair and appropriate," said the amount would vary depending on the extent of injury determined by medical tests. The settlement does not ... Read more
Thoughts On Valium
Thoughts on Valium And Other Pharmaceutical Industry Products You can listen to the podcast, instead, if you prefer! You might consider filling out my confidential online survey, at this link: Should you trust doctors? My thoughts on valium, got me to thinking. I use natural approaches to treatment. Rather than pharmaceutical industry products. Whenever it is wise. But I have medical ... Read more
Book “Your Medical Mind” By Groopman And Hartzband Is Highly Recommended By FitOldDog
Hi folks, I was listening to National Public Radio (NPR) the other day, when I heard some comments by Jerome Groopman and Pamela Hartzband that jibed with my point of view when it comes to doctors and the things that they say. The speakers were discussing a book that they had recently published, called 'Your Your Medical Mind: How To Decide What Is Right For You.' It sounded interesting so I downloaded it to my ... Read more
A Masters Degree In Science! In Defense Of My Colleagues In PHARMA.
"But is it true that they [The Pharmaceutical Industry, PHARMA] bribe/encourage doctors to prescribe certain medicines?" Well, yes! They do! But that doesn't mean my friends are bad! I like what Shane has to say. I don't like the way he says it. I worked in PHARMA (GSK then Sanofi) for 12 years. They both treated me well. I think I was hired to piss people off. I did that! I have friends in PHARMA. Great ... Read more
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