Thoughts On Valium

Thoughts on Valium

And Other Pharmaceutical Industry Products

Photo of squirrel walking on a power line led to thoughts on valium

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Shane Ellison

Always take people’s ideas with a pinch of salt. Make up your own mind. The book is worth reading. The video not worth watching.

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Should you trust doctors?

My thoughts on valium, got me to thinking.

I use natural approaches to treatment.

Rather than pharmaceutical industry products.

Whenever it is wise.

But I have medical training.

What about you?

Sometimes these drugs can save your life.

Sometimes they can kill you!

Think about it!

You might want to take a look at Shane Ellison’s 10 Health Myths?

Several years ago, I rejected a doctors recommendation to take valium for jaw pain (TMJ).

I said to this young doctor, My thoughts on valium are that I’d rather take some time off of my stressful job, and do more meditation.” I did that. The jaw pain vanished.

I was reminded of my thoughts on valium, by a squirrel. I was editing video footage. For the FitOldDog Video StoreI came across an interesting photo of a squirrel, crossing a power line. The picture was perfect as backdrop to the closure of one of our short instructional movies.

We describe the use of a rock. To study freedom of movement, around the body’s changing center of gravity. We get in our own way. When it comes to body movement and athletics. Unless we are skilled dancers or elite athletes. Good balance skills are key to any program of safe exerciseEspecially as we age. We present a simple approach to the exploration of balance. Embracing, rather than fighting, your center of gravity. The rock is a tool. As are therapeutic drugs!

Thoughts on Valium. FitOldDog rejected the use of Valium for TMJ

I rejected the use of Valium for jaw pain (TMJ). Click on figure for link to blog post on this subject.

The location of your center of gravity is constantly changing. As you carry things. Or move your trunk, limbs and head around. In this video series, Rebecca and I are using animals to represent the core point of each video. For balance we chose the squirrel.

The photograph of the squirrel was from an interesting, writing-oriented blog, the Thunderlutz Blogspot. The narrative was a sad one, but well written. I still stand amazed. When I watch squirrels crossing the street, along the overhead wires.

It would appear that squirrels rarely suffer from vertigo.

Humans are a different story. We experience vertigo under a number of conditions, including looking down from tall buildings, in response to severe dehydration, and increasingly as we age. Vertigo can be severely crippling, and is not to be underestimated as a health challenge. If you suffer from it for no apparent reason, try the Epley ManeuverIt might just work for you. I find that I cannot sustain flip turns in the pool for long swims. They mess with my sense of balance.

Thoughts on Valium. Photo of a bottle of Valium, to show that FitOldDog elected to use this drug to help with dehydration-induced vertigo.

I rejected Valium for TMJ but it sure rescued me from a crippling and potentially dangerous case of dehydration-induced vertigo.

I suffered a severe case of vertigo, recently. It was accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting (essentially like sea-sickness). This resulted from extreme dehydrationFollowing intense Ironman training in a dry, hot climate. Followed by a long hard swim in the pool, after flying home (planes dehydrate). Working on a computer finally pushed me over edge. I completely lost my sense of balance, and started to retch violently.

Only one thing really helped in the short term.

You’ve guessed it. My old friend Valium. Administered in an ambulance! I would normally avoid such a dangerous drug like the plague. Valium worked wonders for my vertigo. Led to cessation of the vomiting. This resulted in my ability drink fluids and all was well, eventually.

I learned a lot that day. Beyond my thoughts on valium. Including the dangers of bonking out of context. But that’s another story!

Think carefully before you accept or reject any pharmaceutical industry products.

Fit And Active Into Old Age eBook by FitOldDogThese chemicals can save, or destroy, your life.

Nurture your sense of balance in all things.

Think like a squirrel.

Watch out for the power lines.


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  1. Until I had an ear infection a few years ago I never experienced any balance problem.
    My one thought is that as I joined the Royal Navy at 15 and was for a few years almost constantly without firm ground under my feet. I spentsome tome in small craft that lurched about ungainly and constantly.
    I remember seeing big strong paratroopers turning to jelly and techincolour jawning in small craft in rough seas whilst I felt nothing and was able to eat and drink with no problem.
    I would wonder, is secure balance a learned or learnable task? I get fear of heights but rarely experience it but what you describe seems alien to me but I do know it is real to the sufferer.
    However, not having any background in pharmacuticals I would treat your comment with extreme caution. Few of us have sufficient knowledge base to self subscribe.

  2. Well, you can trust the doctor, whose skill you have no real way of assessing unless you conduct a survey. I tend to trust the guy in the garage, but my truck getting the wrong parts isn’t quite the catastrophe that would ensue from my body getting the wrong parts. You’ve only got one body, so I guess like everything in life, you pays your money (time) and takes your choice. Not an easy one though, I understand that. Cheers, kevin

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Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.

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