Facebook AAA Support Site

Hi! Folks, I was just writing a post for the Chez Ollie, and then thought it might be good to provide the link here. For athletes with aneurysm issues, other great sites include The Cardiac Athlete and The Athletes Heart Blog. Keep talking! It helps! Cheers, Kevin ... Read more

Travel Training Kit – Simplicity Is The Key

  Hi! Folks, I like to travel light. In fact, I travel so light that I get pulled out of the security line in airports because they just don't believe that I can travel around Europe for weeks with just a small, not overly-full backpack. This new computer, MacBook Air makes it even smaller. Happened again as I was leaving Paris CDG a few days ago. I say the same thing each time: "Look around at these ... Read more

Orthotics, Symmetry, And Tim Ferris Has Done It Again!

Hi! Folks, Recently, my friend and biking partner Rory Conolly sent me the following link concerning the question, "are shoe orthotics a good idea?" It is well worth a read! I have often wondered about this issue, especially since reading 'Born to Run.' I was wearing 'spring-loaded' shoe-insert orthotics at the time, which I believe were prescribed with all good intentions, but I suspect that the strong arch ... Read more

Getting Back in Training With An AAA-Stent Graft

Back In Training With An Abdominal Aortic (AAA) Stent Graft 2010 Yes! FitOldDog Was In A Funk All Those Years Ago I Got Over It, And You Can Too! Here is my very first WordPress post, after my first AAA endovascular surgery, with a few minor edits, for clarity! Hi! Folks (well, just me, mainly), Finally getting over my stent-funk and starting to train. Always worry about causing metal fatigue [Yes! There is ... Read more

Filling the Void Thanks to Tim Ferriss and the 4HWW

Hi! Again, More references to the Four Hour Work Week (4HWW) - filling the void. I have watched my eldest son, Nick, build a wonderful family, an excellent career, and now a great new e-tee-shirt-business. Nick also introduced me to the 4HWW by Tim Ferriss. How did I manage before I had a virtual assistant, which I never would have without Tim? Thanks Tim. You are on my list of people to contact, per your ... Read more

Disclaimer: As a veterinarian, I do not provide medical advice for human animals. If you undertake or modify an exercise program, consult your medical advisors before doing so. Undertaking activities pursued by the author does not mean that he endorses your undertaking such activities, which is clearly your decision and responsibility. Be careful and sensible, please.